Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Ooh! Finished!

by Suw on May 11, 2004

Just finished 1200 words on how content affects web design for new online design magazine, Design In-Flight. It's come out rather well, I think. I'll let you know when it's published.

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One of those days

by Suw on May 11, 2004

You know, one of those days where absolutely nothing on your über-long to-do list seems even remotely tolerable, let alone interesting. I have no urgent tasks, nothing which can't be put off til tomorrow (or rather, Friday at the earliest as I'm off up to London again tomorrow). I have lots of things that I ought to do, but nothing I have to do and consequently I don't feel like doing anything at all.
I hate moods like this. And in moods like this, I hate being self-employed and working from home where it is only too easy to mooch about and waste time and generally be unproductive. I need to oik myself up and just get on with something. Anything. So long as it's not nothing.
On a completely unrelated and uninteresting note, the new carpet that's being laid right now stinks.

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A new and impressive invention which I think people* should be utilising more often: iShower.
*That is people I consider cute, not just any old people. And not me, obviously. You won't catch me broadcasting from the shower. (First person to say 'camgirl' gets a slap.)

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