Spoof branding website What Brand Are You appears to have been a bit too good for, er, its own good.
The site asks you to choose a couple of core attributes, then comes up with a Latinate brand name which is supposed to be amusingly crap, but according to the BBC some punters have thought that they're so good that they've registered them at Companies House. Quite whether these people don't get the joke or don't care that it's a joke is unclear.
“We used an online Latin dictionary to come up with some of the names, and just added an 'i' or and 'a' to the end. Others, like Ualeo, we don't even know how to pronounce,” says Ben Terrett [one of the site's designers].
When I went through the process, it came up with Dehinc, which apparently has something to do with things coming in threes. Living round here, I can guarantee that whatever does come in threes, it's not buses. Powercuts, possible, but not buses.
Personally, I think my core values (which weren't on their list) of alcoholism and chocoholism are communicated quite perfectly by my current brand.
hey howz it goin. i'v just read your review on absolution way back from august. and what a gorgeous review. i love the way you write, and the romance of it.. well done =)
“I don’t know how Matt Bellamy does it. This is the most overdone album I’ve ever listened to, overwritten, overplayed, overthetop, crawling over every inch of my skin, getting under it, getting in my blood, in my veins, in my brain and turning me into something I rarely get to be. Here, now, I am spirited away, made whole, made new, made beautiful.”
Thank you kindly!
I'm Ualeo.
Bram [ungwendil@yahoo.co.uk]
There a new name and £100 million saved!
Your brand will be unique because this denotes:
the sword strikes first
Hm, Inexperta says to me “Hallo, we have no idea what we're doing at all, but that won't stop us taking your money”. But then, maybe I'm a cynic.
My thinking may be semantics at work, but I read it to mean “opposite of expert”. On the other hand it sounds remarkably corporate!
Bottom line, it sounds like an evil corporation you'd see on The Simpsons.
Visit me @ http://joshmann.blog-city.com
I think it's what Network Rail should be called.
I think that's what a LOT of companies should be called, actually.
Visit me @ http://joshmann.blog-city.com/
Certainly all the ones I've been dealing with this last couple of weeks. NTL, Virgin, Lloyds TSB, Tesco, Misco, the should all be called 'Inexperta', or better than that 'Uttercrapa'.
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