
Get Real

January 13, 2004

…96%…97%…98%… … …52%…

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Risotto and vermiculite

January 13, 2004

Not in the same bowl, though. Tonight’s risotto was much, much better. Less butter, a lot less onion, more rice, and half a glass of white wine. (Thanks Andrew!) Very nice indeed. Spent some time this morning in the small void between the ceiling of the room in the roof and the roof itself. Not […]

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January 13, 2004

Over on Feeling Listless, Stu's added an Epilogue to his review of 2003, explaining what he did, how, and to some extent, why. In one fell swoop, it illustrates not only what kind of year 2003 was, but why the net and blogging are just so damn good. In what other medium would you be […]

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US finds new target

January 12, 2004

Oh yes, the US, ever accurate in their military missions have finally located the whereabouts of Saddam's weapons of mouse destruction, and are bombing the crap out of them as we speak. Bloody moaning Yorkshiremen. I always knew they had something to hide. Bomb them into submission, I say, with their bloody peaked caps and […]

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See… today wasn't a complete washout

January 12, 2004

I spent too much time faffing about online today*. I got really very, very little done. However, in order to redeem myself, I spent much of this evening writing. Today I have added ten whole minutes to the screenplay, bringing me up to the 1:37 mark. That is pleasing. Act 2 is now complete, which […]

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January 12, 2004

It's addictive. It's not my fault. It just is.

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Byd bach – Small world

January 11, 2004

The internet is really, really wee. I was talking to Gary Turner the other day and he suggested that I try out Joi Ito's IRC room. Yeah, sure, I thought. I'm always up for meeting cool and interesting people and anywhere that GT hangs out must be full of cool and interesting people. So I […]

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I saw a mouse!

January 11, 2004

Where? There on the stair. Where on the stair? Right there! A little mouse with clogs on! Well I declare! Going clip-clippety clop on the stair. Where? Right there! Except not anymore. Yesterday there were stairs going from the first floor landing up to the office in the loft. Today, there are not. And all […]

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The Annals of Improbable Research

January 10, 2004

Oh, how pleased I am to discover, via Joho, that the Annals of Improbable Research have a new blog! Yay! And verily! Never shall I lurk, bored, online again! More fascinating links that you can shake a stick at. Particularly the one about the homosexual necrophilic mallard.

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Which classic movie are you?

January 10, 2004

I got this test via Tagline, who got it from someone else. Whichever way, my results turn out somewhat amusingly considering my post only a few days ago: What* Classic Movie Are You? See, you may think that I'm a demure and delicate English rose with pale blonde hair and fluttery eyelashes, but in reality […]

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Guess what's on telly tonight!

January 9, 2004

Highlander! Yay! More swash and buckle! I downloaded the Highlander script before Christmas to try and get a feel for how different writers approach the writing of swordplay, only to discover that Gregory Widen, Peter Bellwood and Larry Ferguson took the minimalist approach to the problem. Still, it'll be fun to watch it, as I've […]

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January 8, 2004

Pirates of the Caribbean. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Captain Jack Sparrow. Indiana Jones. Indiana. Captain Jack. Jack. Indy. Will Turner. Hmm… Decisions decisions*. *It just took me seven attempts to spell 'decisions' and even now it doesn't look quite right. I think I need an early night.

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Putting a blanket over the parakeet and letting the gerbil run free

January 7, 2004

I've been having to use my brain a bit differently the last two days, doing a bit of web design again. I'm working on a site for my uncle who's designed a nifty wee thing that holds a boat tiller steady. It's been ages since I've had to change my brain about and think in […]

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Hungry cat = friendly cat

January 7, 2004

Fflwff's been a gumpy moggie ever since she moved in here with me. I'd put it down to the other two cats and territorial issues. Seems I was wrong. We have had to put all three moggies on a diet, and not just for their weight but for the sake of Rossi's bladder which appears […]

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Rewriting is rewriting – quelle surprise

January 5, 2004

Just rewrote the first really big fight scene after some correspondance with a real proper living breathing swordsman who knows his onions and has kindly offered to advise me as to onions and uses thereof. (Thank you Randal!) It's much better for the attention, which is very satisfying. However, that does mean that I've only […]

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