Dad's been collecting copies of the Scientific American since May 67. For years they've been read and then carefully stored in the loft, doing nothing but gathering a bit of dust. Most of them are in immaculate condition, and from May 67 to Dec 03, there are only 21 issues missing – mostly because of non-deliveries.
Dad has nowhere to store them now, so they're for sale on eBay. I feel a bit sad – I would have liked to have been able to give them a home, but I don’t know where I’ll be moving to when I move from here, and it seems silly to cart about boxes and boxes of old magazines.
I do hope that someone who will get more out of them than I would will find them and buy them.
After several weeks of whining about how I wished I had two monitors, it suddenly came to light that there was a spare one in the house, skulking about in the bottom of a wardrobe, which I could purloin and call my own. With the installation of a new video card, I am now the proud owner of more screen real estate than I can shake a (very small) stick at.

So, being the proud owner of all this extra acreage, what do I do with it? Why, I run IRC on the second screen, of course! I mean, did you really have to ask?
I have virtually no desk space left, mind, but then, that's what the bed is for. I just have to remember never to leave anything on the bed that I'm not willing to sleep on top of, or have a cat incubate.
w00t! I have just purchased my return airfare to Vienna for July for the BlogTalk 2.0 conference. I am very excited! I get to leave the country! For more days than last year! w00t!!
Sorry for the ! abuse, but this is all very exciting for me, considering that I have spent all of four days out of the country in the last 14 years. Plus there will be just the coolest collection of bloggers there whom I am really looking forward to meeting. So, if you're going and you want to meet up, let me know!
*does little dance*
I'm going to Vienna! Yes I am!! Whoo hoo!!
I've just had two separate reports from people in different countries (NZ and Switzerland) that they froze their butts off when watching new disaster flick, The Day After Tomorrow. Whether it's all in the mind, or whether the managment sneakily lowered the temperature in the cinema when the snow scenes started is anyone's guess, but my informers say they were not the only ones to get goosebumps.
If you're going to go and see it yourself, remember to wrap up warm and let me know if it gets chilly halfway through. And maybe buy a nice, hot cup of tea to take in with you, instead of a tub of Ben & Jerry's.
UPDATE: Ha ha! It's true! I mentioned this on Zoetrope and one of the guys there confessed “My theater actually did that for a few shows of The Day After Tomorrow. We are such the kidders!”