July 2003

In this week's New Scientist

July 11, 2003

Can't resist this little nugget from Feedback: Cell biologists aren't other-worldly academics glued to their electrophoresis machines. Oh no, they're in touch with the buzz in the culture – the other one, not the one in the Petri dish. An article by SL Wickstrom, J Keski-Oja and K Alitalo in the June issue of the […]

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The Matrix Reloaded at the IMAX

July 10, 2003

Today is IMAX day… 😀 I'll tell you all about it when I get back tomorrow…

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Software that I wish someone would write

July 9, 2003

Google is soon going to reach the end of its useful life in my opinion, as are the other search engines even with their ?advanced? search options. The signal to noise ratio is getting ludicrous, something I notice particularly when I’m looking for something in Welsh. For some reason, when I search for Welsh words, […]

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Gadgets I wish someone would make

July 8, 2003

I’m fairly lazy really, it has to be said. I like my comfy chair – we have a deep spiritual connection which I hope will never be broken. I would, therefore, be much happier if I could spend more of my time ensconced in my comfy chair, yet still be able to use my computer. […]

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July 8, 2003

I just visited a great glossary of blogging terms (bloglossary?) via Digital Common Sense, through which I come to understand that my fascination for stats has a name. Aparently, I've been hitnotised. LMAO. I love blogging.

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And another thing…

July 8, 2003

Left-handed box files. That would make life easier. I'm sure they're out there somewhere, it's just a matter of finding them. (Although admittedly I haven't actually looked…)

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A visitation

July 8, 2003

It seems that Chocolate and Vodka has possibly had an illustrious (for an as yet unspecified value of ?illustrious?) visitor – one Read Mercer Schuchardt, the author of one of the essays in Taking the Red Pill which I slated a while back without ever having actually read it. I know Schuchardt popped by because […]

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Trigger Street

July 7, 2003

Having decided to give more time to my writing, today I visited TriggerStreet.com (requires registration), the site backed by Kevin Spacey for wannabe script writers and film makers. And it’s kind of a strange space, really. On the one hand, it’s a forum for gaining constructive criticism, networking and getting advice. On the other hand, […]

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Normal service almost resumed…

July 6, 2003

I’m down in Dorset at the moment, recuperating from whatever it was I had last week. I make a pretty bad patient usually – I hate sitting about and doing nothing, it feels like a violation of my inalienable right to be Doing Something. This time round, though, I think I’d exhausted myself so comprehensively […]

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Over for another year

July 6, 2003

Well, Wimbledon has drawn to a close, and I revert once again to my normal self, remaining happily ignorant of most sporting events, much to the relief of pretty much everyone about me. Yesterday’s Women’s Final was a lacklustre affair. Venus Williams was carrying injuries that seriously impaired her ability to play; Serena was playing […]

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Well, that wasn't too bad

July 4, 2003

Had a reasonable night's sleep last night, in stark contrast to the previous two. No vomiting, no explosive diarrhea, no cold sweats or hot flushes. Nice. Had lots of dreams though, some of which seemed to involve a lot of dying. I even had a top-and-tailer, where I had a dream, then dreamt it again […]

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July 3, 2003

Not much in the way of blogging lately – spent all of Tuesday night throwing up with a nasty touch of gastro enteritis, or something equally foul. I hate throwing up. Always comes out my nose, which is highly unpleasent. The only enjoyable part of yesterday was that I spent so much time feeling like […]

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Henman out

July 3, 2003

Well, Henman went pretty much the same way as the contents of my stomach did on Tuseday night. I watched part of the match yesterday from the midst of a hazy blur, and the rest of it today whilst recovering. Had no energy to cheer, but then, there wasn't much worth cheering. Pity to see […]

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I think I ate a whisk

July 3, 2003

I've just had my first meal for almost 48 hours. Now my stomach is doing its best impression of a concrete mixer, although hopefully this doesn't presage a return to yakking up all night. Now, I'm a big fan of the concept of the NHS, particularly the idea that if you're incapacitated, they'll come and […]

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Henman to meet Grosjean

July 1, 2003

Well, Grosjean just put Ferrero out, so he meets Henman in the quarter finals. Now that will be an interesting match! Grosjean beat Henman at Queens, but Henman has the grass court advantage having beaten Grosjean at Wimbledon last year. No doubt we'll be treated to another nail-biting heart-stopping Henman Special, which I'm much looking […]

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