
SP2 is a slippery little bugger

September 10, 2003

SP1 was a fairly easy thing to write. It all just kinda tumbled out into a first draft that I was happy with, although I knew it still needed work. SP2 is not being so accommodating. Yesterday and today I've been suffering from an attack of the isitcrap’s. It's one of those moods where you […]

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Q: How stupid is the RIAA? A: Very.

September 10, 2003

I don’t know how many times I can say that I believe music file swapping will ultimately be good for the music industry and that I think the industry has its collective head shoved so far up its own arse that its eyes are brown before I start to bore myself. But when I read […]

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Job seeker?s update

September 10, 2003

I have spent almost all of today in the hunt for a new job. I’ve located a bunch of recruitment agencies in the Manchester area and started to phone them up and send them my CV. So far, I’ve located 14 agencies, and spoken/emailed CVs to eight of them. The rest I’ll do tomorrow. Previous […]

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Fiddling with the gutter

September 10, 2003

Just been fiddling with the blog gutter – now you can search through my entries for, well, whatever you fancy. Can't guarantee you'll find much though. Also, you can browse my posts by category (although most of the earliest posts haven't been categorised at all), and more easily access the archives. I've tried to amalgamate […]

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Stats are back, sort of

September 9, 2003

Ok, I know my obsession with my own stats is a bit sad, but after earlier comments I thought you'd like to know that the stats on Blog-City are back, sort of, and you can all rest assured that everyone appears still to be visiting. If you do have a day when you're trying to […]

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September 9, 2003

It was pointed out to me that some of you have no basis for comparison when it comes to my appearance, specifically regarding black and red hair vs. the current natural blonde hair. I shall thusly bow to public demand and post two more recent pics, just for the sake of your edification. And, just […]

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Fun things discovered whilst sorting out paperwork

September 9, 2003

One of the fun things about moving (you mean, there are fun things about moving?) is that every now and again you find something that makes you smile. I had forgotten that there were photos in existence of me with my black and red hair. I loved that hair – high maintenance but when I […]

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It goes on…

September 9, 2003

I've just searched through 16 recruitment websites. Didn't find a single job that I felt I could (or wanted to) apply for. I'm trying keep my search criteria as broad as possible, but recently I've made some decisions which aren't helping matters but which I would like to stick by. I want to live in […]

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The house of electricy death, parts 1 and 2

September 8, 2003

The house of electricy death, part one (Written 2pm Sunday) Spent all morning faffing about. Nothing new there, as you probably know. Had lunch, replied to an email or two, then decided that enough procrastination was enough, and that I’d get on with SP2 with the aim of making it to page 30 by the […]

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SP2 well underway

September 6, 2003

I was going to do this second screenplay 'properly', i.e. I was going to sit down and structure it correctly, outline it and, once I was sure I had all the elements in all the right places, only then would I commence writing. Of course, me being me and having the patience of a brick, […]

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Stuff of no consequence

September 5, 2003

For some reason, my stats are insisting that only 21 people have read this blog today. I find that hard to believe considering that I normally get around 150-200 hits. Odd. Oh well. To change the subject completely, I have ramrod straight hair. I find it ironic, therefore, that the best way to put a […]

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Job applied for

September 5, 2003

Okey dokey, one job applied for. Position of Website/E-commerce Manager. Turns out to be in Merseyside, but apparently is commutable from Manchester, so that's good enough for me. I don't mind sitting on a train each morning – gives me time to think and write. Of course, one application is nowhere near enough. But it's […]

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September 5, 2003

For those of you curious, the winner of the CMC/Academi Gymreig Short Stories for Learners Competition 2003 has now been published on the CMC website. There you can read the winning entry, and the beirniadaeth by Ifor ap Glyn. Plus there are pics from the Eisteddfod Genelaethol up in y Trallwng.

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Where is the fast-forward button?

September 5, 2003

I'm not having such a good day today. Feel a bit embattled and dispirited. Well, a lot, actually. The ex-landlord’s being very difficult. I’ve just had two phone calls from people wanting to know why Get Fluent has closed. My chances of getting anything useful done this morning evaporated when it turned out my niece […]

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A job to apply for! (Maybe)

September 4, 2003

Did my usual search of job web sites this morning and managed to find a job that I could possibly apply for. Rang the agency, just to check where it's based and to get a bit more info, but of course the guy I needed to talk to wasn't there and didn't phone me back. […]

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