Ok, I know my obsession with my own stats is a bit sad, but after earlier comments I thought you'd like to know that the stats on Blog-City are back, sort of, and you can all rest assured that everyone appears still to be visiting.
If you do have a day when you're trying to get into this blog, though, and you can't quite make it, please do try again later. Blog-City are doing upgrades and occasionally that means there are problems. I personally don't get all wound up by the outages, because I think that Blog-City are doing a much better job than, say, Blogger, and are on the whole a lot more reliable.
Plus, of course, I can sympathise entirely with what the team there must be going through – trying to keep the service going, trying to keep everyone happy, whilst trying to upgrade software and hardware. And I bet they're doing all of it on a miniscule budget. Having been through the mill myself with Get Fluent, I have nothing now but admiration for anyone in business trying to do their best for their customers, which Blog-City undoubtedly are.
stats are catching up now, only another 60,000 records to do, lol. Not long.
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