I often have dreams, and they're often rather strange. The dream I woke from this morning was no exception.
I dreamt I was watching a film, (or I was in it, I'm not sure which), which had been written by Richard Curtis and starred, somewhat unsurprisingly, Hugh Grant as a mop-topped dopey get and, slightly more surprisingly, Antony Worrall Thompson, the 'celebrity' chef.
Somewhat predictably, the film was about a wedding gone awry – the Groom didn't really want to marry the Bride, but Hugh did, and Anthony felt it only fair to help proceedings along a little. Of course, all this comes to light after the ceremony, so Anthony is forced to find a way to annul the marriage. Initially he does this by scratching out the witnesses' signatures on the official register on the assumption that if there were no witnesses there could be no marriage.
Overcome by an attack of guilt, Anthony confesses to the Groom and Hugh and provides a distraction so that they can go and restore the register to it its original state. He does this by crashing through the window of the restaurant where the reception is being held, and then jumping off the balcony onto the tables below.
And where is the Bride whilst all this is going on? She's in a helicopter with her mum and sister, waiting for her new husband.
Ok, so much for the dream… thing that made this one noteworthy was that the whole way through I'm thinking things like 'Oh come on! Where are the characters' arcs? What are their motivations? And we haven't even seen enough of the Bride to know whether or not we want the Groom or Hugh to prevail, and shouldn't someone tell her there's a bit of a problem with her Groom? And what's Hugh Grant doing at another bloody wedding anyway? Jeeze, I thought Richard Curtis was a better writer than that! Hmm… maybe it wasn't Antony Worrall Thompson after all, maybe it was Kenneth Brannagh?'
Ah, maybe it's just me, but I found that all rather amusing. Obviously this whole screenwriting thing has made more of an impression on my psyche than I had imagined.
Although for the record, I do quite like Richard Curtis' films. 😉
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