
Hello people from Peru!

December 4, 2003

I put Nedstat on my blog a couple of weeks ago, just to see if the data it threw up was any different to that provided by Blog-City itself. The hits stats are radically different, but I think that's because it can't pick up on the rss feeds and half my hits are by rss. […]

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Just for a change

December 3, 2003

Get up early. Shower early. Eat breakfast early. Read blogs early. Blog early. Find an hour to work on SP1 that wouldn't otherwise be there. What a plan.

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Yay! Proofreading finished!

December 2, 2003

I've just finished proofreading the 42 Welsh worksheets that will go on the new Get Fluent CD-ROM. That's a chore I'm happy to see the back of. All I have to do now is finish preparing the other files I need and it's ready to rock and roll. I will be so glad to get […]

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Er, hang on a minute…

December 2, 2003

I thought small, three year old nieces who are ill with a temperature and croaky voice were supposed to sit quietly on the sofa, snoozing or possibly watching appropriately gentle cartoons, not bouncing up and down on my lap whilst I'm trying to work around them, persistently asking 'Why?' to everything I say whilst plastering […]

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Begining of the month referrers log amusement

December 2, 2003

I love the fact that this blog comes up as #1 out of 25,800 results on Yahoo for the search phrase “clearly you've never been to Singapore”. Inexplicably, that makes my day.

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SP1 rewrite now officially underway

December 1, 2003

Back in August I finished the first draft of my first screenplay and posted it up on Zoetrope for review. I got some good reactions and was much encouraged. Having left it to stew for a few months, I dug it out again a couple of weeks ago with the intention of getting stuck right […]

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Films, chit-chat, more films, more chit-chat

December 1, 2003

I feel like I ought to write a big blog entry about my weekend, but somehow my brain's refusing to spit anything out. I had a really good time, mostly spent talking a lot or watching films. We got through Amelie (brilliant, funny, touching), Equilibrium (weak central premise but quite good character development and some […]

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December 1, 2003

Hallo! I'm back. Great weekend. Too many emails in my inbox. More later.

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Not an axe murderer

November 29, 2003

I'm happy to say that my friend whom I'm visiting this weekend is not an axe murderer. Just in case you were worried. Haven't seen much of Leeds so far as it's been kinda rainy and we've not really done anything bar watch films and talk. Watched Amelie last night, which I loved. Also watched […]

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The longest day

November 28, 2003

Off for the weekend again today. I have the joy of a minimum of five hours on a train, although with only 10 minutes to change at Bristol, there's always the chance that the journey will end up taking a lot longer. Then I've two and a half hours hanging about in Leeds, waiting for […]

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Lost kitten returned

November 27, 2003

The family at No. 1 lost their little black kitten several weeks ago. They'd searched the ditches on the main road where so many poor, unsuspecting kittens get killed, but to no avail. They'd asked round, checked the vets, but still nothing. A few days ago, however, the kitty – who had been tagged with […]

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November 27, 2003

Today I went past the 10,000 hits per month post for the first time! Yay!! And it's not even the 30th yet! Of course, hits are not equivalent to visitors, so this probably means that just one person has way too much spare time on their hands.

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November 26, 2003
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Drought! Drought!! Drought?

November 26, 2003

It’s been coming down stair-rods on and off for the last couple of weeks. The ‘road’ (it’s more of a track really) out front periodically pretends to be a small stream as the water sheets down out of the leaden sky and runs off hills faster than the clay soil can soak it up. The […]

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Yesterday's surfing disruption down to a cable failure

November 26, 2003

You may or may not have noticed quite a bit of disruption on the internet yesterday, with email going all up the swanny and normally reliable websites appearing to just vanish into the ether never to be seen again. (Well, not until after I'd gone to bed, anyway.) Apparently, it was down to a major […]

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