Monday, August 16, 2004

Audioblog and Saturday's shoot

by Suw on August 16, 2004

Expect an audioblog post as and when, oh, and the shoot was a real laugh. (And yes, I know it's Random Acts, not 'bites'. My bad.)

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How much do I hate Windows?

by Suw on August 16, 2004

Quite a lot. In fact, a very big lot. With every inch of my being, in fact.
Suddenly, and for no readily apparent reason, our home network is b0rked. Each computer can access the web, but none can access each other – Windows keeps asking for a network password that I know doesn't exist. I would understand if it was just the laptop, because firstly that's still a Win98 machine and it has been a bit funny about the other computers since we updated them both to Win2K, and secondly it's been through the wringer trying to connect to the Headshift network. But the other two machines on the network have not been touched, not turned on, since I was last here. No one can have done anything to them. I certainly haven't messed with any network settings, yet suddenly, they are insisting on a password. Makes no sense to me. Last time they were both on, the network just worked. Now it doesn't. Go figure.
I really, really hate Windows. It is such a steaming pile of shit. Yet no Mac for a long while for me, I am afraid.
Any Win2K experts out there can help me? Please?
UPDATE: Ok, I checked all the settings, found nothing untowards, changed nothing, yet now things appear to be working at least well enough for me to get by. Times like this I wish I had my own live-in geek.
UPDATE2: Seems the 'fix' created it's own problems, i.e. the computer had switched from the usual user to 'administrator', which then meant that I couldn't log on to it again when I restarted it. Having reset both desktops back to normal, they now won't talk to the network, again. This is really strange, because I had not fiddled with the users/groups settings at all so I don't understand why they should go from connecting perfectly happily to suddenly allowing only the 'administrator' to connect. I can only assume that M$ did some sort of update that it installed automatically which broke our ability to network.
If anyone reading understands the whole network/users/groups settings properly in Win2K, please help. This is getting really very annoying.

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Lol Lwlw

by Suw on August 16, 2004

Mae fy ffrind Lwlw newydd dechrau blog, Lol Lwlw, (dyma'r ffîd Atom. Mae Lwlw wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg ers sbel, a dw i'n meddwl ei bod hi'n cwl iawn am ddechrau blog. Dw i'n meddwl fod defnyddio eich iaith newydd bob dydd yw'r unig ffordd i ddod yn rhugl.
Rhaid imi sgwennu mwy, 'te. 😉
Beth bynnag, da iawn Lwlw. Dw i'n falch ohonat ti!

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