Just a few links I’ve been hoarding over the last few days whilst the blog’s been down.
An absolutely stunning trailer for a film called Casshern which looks utterly and amazingly cool. Sadly, both trailer and website are totally incomprehensible to me, but they have prompted a sudden urge to learn Japanese. It’s either that or find a sympathetic Japanese person to go see the film and report back to me at length and in great detail.
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Maciej blogs about Warszawa:
When the summer months come, and constant darkness gives way to the beautiful late nights of June, it is hard to be unhappy in Warsaw. The locals manage, mind you – dissatisfaction is a natural sport – but it takes hard concerted effort, and a good helping dose of misgovernment, one of the few things that has never been in short supply.
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If this article about Mel Gibson’s The Passion blooper reel is true, it’s very funny. Actually, even if it’s not true, it’s very funny. (Update: it's a spoof. Obviously. I just had my satire detection circuits turned off at the time.)
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I’ve been listening to a CD of Kapela Ze Wsi Warszawa (Warsaw Village Band) lately, thanks to my new Polish friend Piotr. It is absolutely brilliant. It’s Polish folk, but it’s not like any folk I’ve heard before (i.e. tedious English stuff). They sing with the same ?white voice? style that Maciej’s Russian choir uses, and it’s just amazing. I’ve been totally overdosing on both lately.
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My mate Hugh the cult cartoonist over at Gaping Void has got himself some work via his blog. He says:
I've been saying this for months: Blogs are a good way of making things happen indirectly. Now do you believe me?
Yes, Hugh, I believe you. I’ll believe you even more if I can get a job out of my blog too.
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Another IRC pal, Rojisan, wrote a great post on The Blogging Myth which is worth popping over and reading.
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Anyway, yes, good to be back in the blogging business again. Missed ya.
All I know is Caviezel was repeated struck by lightning while the movie was being made. Ouch !
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