
by Suw on January 8, 2004

Pirates of the Caribbean. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Captain Jack Sparrow. Indiana Jones. Indiana. Captain Jack. Jack. Indy. Will Turner. Hmm…

Decisions decisions*.

*It just took me seven attempts to spell 'decisions' and even now it doesn't look quite right. I think I need an early night.

Steve Kane January 8, 2004 at 11:01 pm

Rest assured: you cracked the 'decisions' conundrum.

Rest easy now.

Visit me @

Suw January 8, 2004 at 11:16 pm

Oh, I shall… with a vision of Cap'n Jack Sparrow to lull me to sleep…


Bram Janssen January 9, 2004 at 1:12 pm


you are such a teenager.
I love it 🙂

No, but really, you need to have other visions than a pirate looking like Johnny Depp. I mean: have you seen Jack Sparrow? He hasn't washed his hair since the days of Bluebeard.

You might go and dream of something else. Harisson Ford is okay.

Suw January 9, 2004 at 1:20 pm

Oh, I am, Bram, I am. 32 going on 17.

And I know Jack is not the most well-washed of people, but those eyes! Those cheekbones! Those little gold teeth! *swoon*

Although Indy is cute too, in a bookish kinda way. 😉 But if i had to choose, I'd choose to buy Jack a dental work gift voucher and a bucket of sheep dip.

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