by Suw on October 16, 2003
The strange thing about this is that I was watching the Staten Island Ferry just last week from the Battery Park, and trying to pursuade my travelling companions that we'd get just as good a view of the Statue of Liberty from its decks as we would if we took the Circle Line boat. (Of course, the view wouldn't actually be quite as good, but it would have been free and there was, for me at least, some sort of cachet to riding on such a famous boat.)
Thus there's a bit more of an 'oh jeeze' about my reaction to the Staten Island Ferry crash than I would otherwise expect.
In order to find out more information than is available here, I ended up registering with the NY Times – something I've been putting off doing for some time now. I can't really believe the level of detail that they go into about this. Is it not enough to know that people lost their lives? Do I really need descriptions of exactly how they died? Is it essential to write about the carnage in such graphic detail?
I prefer Teresa Nielson Hayden's comments to the sickeningly sensationalist angle that the NY Times (and probably other American news sources too, I wouldn't doubt) has taken.

The Staten Island Ferry last week
by Suw on October 16, 2003
Recent experimental evidence shows that it's a really bad idea to allow mixing between particularly fluffy moggies and newly warmed up blobs of blu-tack. Neither cat nor blu-tack benefit from the interaction.
by Suw on October 16, 2003
One of the drawbacks of waking up at 7.10am, getting up at 7.30am and being all dressed and raring to go (if you rare quietly, of course) at 9am is that you end up in a sleepy lull at about… oh… now, I'd say.
Why aren't siestas de rigeur here?
by Suw on October 16, 2003
Seems that Michael Stipe has stolen the shirt from Stuart Hughes' back. Literally.
I wonder if Michael will give it back when he's done with it?
by Suw on October 16, 2003
I love the way that Maciej Ceglowski writes. Sometimes you come across a writer who just knocks your socks off and forces you raise your game, to pay a lot more attention to each word that you release from your fingertips into the wilds of the web. I read V's half-finished novel a few weeks ago and it had the same effect on me as Marciej's blog does. If you haven't been over to Idle Words before, go, right now, before you get sidetracked.
(I wish V would start a blog. Although I fear it would just be too good for him to be allowed to live. It would also distract him from finishing said novel, which is an eventuality I simply could not allow.)