Saturday, October 4, 2003

Self-fulfilling prophecy?

by Suw on October 4, 2003

Keanu Reeves. He was a white van driver who parked his van on my snowy front lawn and, after some months absence (or so it would seem from the expository dialogue), had come back to plight his troth. Very sweet.

Certainly I'm impressed at the calibre of celeb in my subconscious this morning. Definitely several steps up from recent offerings and far, far cuter to boot. However, I do wonder if the fact that I'm blogging these celeb cameos, (in a night otherwise filled with aliens boiling bits of the world with lasers and frying people's hands, plane flights to NY to visit military personnel where I was joined by my musician friend Svetlana, and trying to find my small bottles of shampoo in the gym changing rooms. Go figure.), has become a self-fulfilling thing. I feel obliged, having started, to track this streak of celeb cameos until it naturally concludes, but knowing that, is my subconscious now throwing them up deliberately? I mean, there are more celebs in the world than I can dream of, so we could be here some time.

Or maybe this is actually just a reflection of the fact that I'm finding nothing else of interest to blog about, and can't be arsed to put the mental work required into writing some sort of op-ed piece?

Still, at least I'm not blogging about amusing things the cats have done, although having said that, I must mention that the new kitten from No. 1 is giving all our cats a really hard time. Bloody wimps – it's half the size of Fflwff but still rags on her. Mind you, I have recently discovered that Fflwff, monstrous huge as she is, is actually frightened of house flies – whenever one comes near her she bolts in panic.

Oh no… I've done it… I've started blogging about my cats. Please forgive me – I fear I've plumbed new depths this morning. I promise, I'll blog something interesting in the next few days from New York.

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Revolutions – the attack of the spoilers

by Suw on October 4, 2003

Today I saw my first review with spoilers for Matrix: Revolutions on the screenwriters' message board at Zoetrope (registration required). Or rather, I saw that there was a thread about it, but I didn't enter.

V also let me know recently that there are new trailers available from the official Matrix web site, but again I felt strangely unwilling to download them, only in part because I have a crappy dial up connection that would choke if I tried to download anything even remotely medium-sized.

I'm in the Zone of Expectation now, waiting for Revolutions to be released and not wanting anything to spoil the surprise. I can download the trailers and stuff afterwards, but before hand I don't want to read even a single word about it. I don't want people telling me it's crap (they told me Reloaded was crap, but I quite enjoyed it), nor do I want people telling me it's brilliant (I don't want my expectations to be too high), and I certainly don't want anyone telling me what happens. I want to find out for myself as and when I see the movie, and not before. In one sense, living here in the Arse-end of Nowhere is quite good for that – I certainly won't start accidentally tripping over promotional stuff for the film out here. I don't believe cows make up a high percentage of the movie-going population.

With any luck, I will see Revolutions at the IMAX, either in Bradford or London, rather than at a normal cinema. I felt that Reloaded really benefited from the bigger screen, especially the Burly Brawl and the freeway chase, so it should be good to see Revolutions first time round at that kind of brain-suckingly awe-inspiring size.

Soon as I have a date set, (yes, V, that's a hint), I'll start drooling with anticipation here on the blog, just like last time.

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Like the new look?

by Suw on October 4, 2003

One day soon I'll sort out the banner for this blog so that it's something a bit more interesting. But til then I'm just experimenting with two gutters, which allows me to add more stuff in. I have to say, Blog-City's really very good – they just keep adding little bits of functionality here and there. I could have a little chat room too, but I doubt I get enough users for that. I'm not sure that the blog board will see much use either, but you know, I figure suck it and see. So to speak.

Anyway, let me know what you think of my gutters. 😉

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Thunderbirds are go!

by Suw on October 4, 2003

And, according to Wunderground, it looks like the weather’s going to be reasonable too. Bargain!

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