Just downloading the 373 pictures I've taken over the last few days. Might take me a while to sort through them. Have also transferred to my desktop the half-finished blog entry I've been writing whilst away. That also might take a while to complete. But I shall, soon enough, give you all the gory details as regards my recent trip.
In the meantime, I'm trying to stay awake until some reasonable hour in the evening, despite having had probably no more than a couple of hours sleep in the last 30. My theory is that if I go to bed at a normal hour, I'll not suffer too badly from jetlag. I need something to keep me awake though. Like intravenous caffeine. Or speed. That might work.
Alas I shall have to rely on the internet and TV instead.
Welcome back to Europe, Suw. Now sleep!
Bram [ungwendil@yahoo.co.uk]
I did! I slept for hours last night. It was lovely. It was worth staying up too – no jet lag at all today. 😀
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