
Ooh! Pictures!

May 14, 2004

OK, so this time round I actually did take my camera, but it was so dark in the venue that I couldn't see a thing through the view finder and had to rely on guesswork instead. This is the one and only picture I took: Heiko, Hugh and Loïc Loïc has uploaded a bunch of […]

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May 13, 2004

Whoo, lots of people at The International last night – too many really. Didn't get to meet everyone I wanted to meet, so sorry if I missed you. Had to leave earlier than expected, but nevertheless it was a great evening. This time I even managed to take a whole one photo – it was […]

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Let down

May 10, 2004

I've always loved Gary Turner's blog, but I was disappointed tonight to discover that he's actually been using Autoblog – an autogenerator that parses RSS feeds and creates posts based on keywords and pre-selected phrases. I captured this screenshot – I'm sure he'll have fixed it before you go take a look. What can I […]

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Pretty templates do not an update make

May 10, 2004

As reported by Boing Boing and the BBC, Blogger has updated its service and user interface. But not very much. The first incarnation of Chocolate and Vodka was hosted on Blogger and it was the first blog writing tool I ever used. It wasn't long, though, before Blogger's unreliability drove me over to Blog-City who […]

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A polymath in an age of specialists

May 8, 2004

“You need to be more focused, less mystified,” Hugh MacLeod said to me recently after a long conversation about the possibility of earning money from my blog. It's a message I've seen echoed around the web time and again. Every discussion about blogs becoming revenue streams for the writer, usually via ads, makes that same […]

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IRC: home to l33t haX0r pir4t3z

May 6, 2004

Ross Mayfield blogs about the New York Times article that lays into IRC as the next big internet evil (registration required). Apparently IRC is a hotbed for illegal file swappers, hackers and child pornographers: It is “the place where people with something to hide go to do business”. The angle taken by Seth Schiesel, author […]

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May 5, 2004

GT excels himself again.

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May 5, 2004

Every now and again I get an email from someone asking me to link to their site. Usually I will check it out, discover that it's porn or a link farm or, worse, poorly written, and thusly ignore it. Like everyone, I have my own criteria for what I will and won't link to, but […]

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Finding time for blogging

May 5, 2004

Just talking to Kevin Marks in IRC about finding the time to blog. Kevin works for blog cosmos engine Technorati, so blogging feels like work to him and, when prioritising what he needs to get done most, he opts for coding over blogging. I can understand why – you have to prioritise and when you […]

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More little stars

May 3, 2004

Got back from London today after a fantastic night out on Saturday with a covey of fellow bloggers: Doc Searls, Euan Semple, Matt Mower, Gary Turner, Tom Coates, Cory Doctorow, Danah Boyd, Julian Elve, Tom Dolan, James Cox (who also has photos here), plus a few other people who turned up later that I didn't […]

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Accordion Guy's annual review

April 30, 2004

Ever wanted to sit in on someone else's yearly job review? Well, had you been on Accordion Guy's blog this afternoon from 7pm BST, you would have. Although sans sound. Which sucked. But still, it's nice to see someone else's career and job prospects under the hammer. So nice, in fact, that we watched it […]

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And another blogger meet-up

April 30, 2004

I shall also be in London on the 12th May for what is turning out to be a bit of a mega blogger meet-up. I think at least 30 of the people listed as interested on the wiki page have confirmed their attendance at this do, and I suspect we may get a few more […]

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Doc in London

April 30, 2004

Looks like I will be going up to London tomorrow to meet Doc Searls, Euan, Gary, Matt and everyone else who'll be there. I had been pleading poverty, but I had my arm twisted quite successfully by Kevin Marks this morning in #joiito. (Thanks Kevin!) I'm looking forward to it, I must admit. Not only […]

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Blogware and Blog-City versions tied in Technorati

April 26, 2004

Now that I'm not updating the Blog-City version of Chocolate and Vodka anymore it is slowly floating down through the blogosphere like a discarded feather whilst this blog on Blogware is crawling its way up the power curve, point by point, aiming for that big tall spike at the end. Tonight I noticed that the […]

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Well, you don't see that every day

April 24, 2004

I was walking up the High Street in Winchester this afternoon when I had one of those 'Well, you don't see that every day' moments. It was gloriously sunny, the blue sky unmarred by a single cloud. The whole world, it seemed, had come out to lounge about on the cathedral green, drink Pimms on […]

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