
The first brick wall

July 27, 2003

I think I’ve been working on this script for about 20 days now. I’m up to 76 pages, so making good progress. Today, though, I realised that I had things out of sequence. Stuff was happening long after it should have, so I took my printout, cut it into scenes and laid it all out […]

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Pointless things you didn't need to know

July 24, 2003

Pizza's not the same when the topping has slid off one side. Paramount's scheduling of M*A*S*H sucks arse. I'm up to 63 pages. The plot to Donnie Darko is oxymoronic. Or possibly tautalogical. I'm not sure which yet. Wat dacht u van korter werken en meer verdienen loesje. It's impossible to lick your own elbow. […]

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tip jar

July 23, 2003

Go on!Just a quid! Why?

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Cellar door

July 23, 2003

I don’t want to write a review about Donnie Darko. It wouldn’t do it justice. It would be just too linear. Too done before. Instead I want to just enthuse. Jake Gyllenhaal, despite a dyslexic's nightmare, is amazing as the eponymous Donnie. There are times, as he gazes up through his eyelashes, half grin on […]

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New toy!

July 23, 2003

I just got invited by my mate Debs to join Friendster, a 4-degrees of separation networking web site. So, I thought, why not? So far, I have to say, it's been an amusing experience – within a few moments of joining I discovered that I'm linked via only two friends to 41 people (at least […]

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Um, yeah

July 23, 2003

I seem to be finding myself oddly without much to say at the moment. The Guardian Online, usually a source of some sort of response from my grey matter, is just dull and boring at the moment, with idiotic writing about fluff like how to cope with email. I can answer that problem in one […]

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July 22, 2003

Been spending a lot of time, possibly too much, on Zoetrope lately, mainly on the message board. Makes me feel more involved in this whole screenwriting thing to be talking to other screenwriters. Course, it's also mildly amusing to watch them ripping each other's throats out. Why is it that internet communities invariably suffer from […]

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Still here…

July 22, 2003

Just lurking.

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Warning: Reading the work of Nen Suel can seriously damage your dinner!

July 19, 2003

There is a Rule. A new Rule. And that Rule is: Do not read Neil Gaiman's work when you're trying to cook. Coraline may look like a slim volume. A children's book, it may seem like light fayre for the seasoned reader. The scrawled signature inside makes you think that perhaps this book was at […]

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On the horns of a dilemma

July 19, 2003

I spoilt myself today – I bought Neil Gaiman’s Coraline in hardback. I wasn’t going to, but there it was, calling out to me from the shelf, and when I flicked it open I saw it was signed. There’s a slight blemish on the dust cover, which is I suppose why it hadn’t already been […]

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Sleep cures nothing

July 19, 2003

…but tiredness. Sleep is my refuge at the moment, my escape. I had some wonderful dreams last night, wherein my life was just fine and dandy, people appreciated me for who I was, and I didn't get hassled by anyone. Although I did have some problems with clothespegs at one point, but that was a […]

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The voices, the voices…

July 17, 2003

I love reading David Weinberger's blog, particularly when he blogs about his battles with his computer and learning Linux. (Boy, do I feel good knowing that the author of the Cluetrain Manifesto has computer problems!) Now I get to listen to him speak in an excellent interview with Chris Lydon. I like hearing people speak, […]

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The Madness of Prince Charming

July 17, 2003

Adam Ant was one of the first pop stars I was aware of, and certainly the first I mimicked, the first one I wanted to be like. He was the object of one of my first crushes, along with Terry Hall of The Specials. I think it was the cheekbones, to be honest, and the […]

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An if for you

July 17, 2003

If I were standing on the top of a cliff right now, the steel grey sea lashing the rocks below, all white horses and froth, the boom of rollers beating the shore into submission, giant tankers reduced to a speck on the horizon as they head for safe harbour? If I were standing on the […]

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Half a map is better than… oh, wait, no it's not…

July 17, 2003

I was looking today for information on the London Underground, specifically, good hard statistics that might be useful to someone thinking about potential solutions to the perennial issue of the whole system heating up to near boiling point every time the outside temperature rises above 5. Kelvin. Instead I found a fragment of a rather […]

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