
The link thief strikes again

October 15, 2003

Considering my recent trip, this little gem (via Joho) is rather apt. Although the Virgin safety video is actually really very funny, it's not quite this funny. Also timely, considering my whinge on CMC this morning about the amount of spam I now get (although, frankly, I could whinge about that any day of the […]

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A little thing I miss a lot

October 14, 2003

I used to listen to XFM all the time when I lived in Reading. I got it via Sky Digital as it's a London station and if you don't live there you can't get it through your normal radio. I like XFM – their playlist pretty much fits my taste in music perfectly, their DJs […]

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Obviously the trees were guilty

October 14, 2003

Via Electrolite. It seems that American troops have hit a new low in the invasion of Iraq. Not content with killing civilians (and allies, come to mention it) and wrecking infrastructure, they've now taken to destroying the Iraqis' livelihoods by tearing down groves of orange and lemon trees and date palms, according to The Independent. […]

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The Big Blog about The Big Apple

October 13, 2003

Finally and at last, my blog entry about New York. Most of this was written on my Velo at the time, with additional details and general tidying up done today. I’ve selected the best of the photos, quite a laborious task considering I took so many. I really must learn some restraint one day. Anyway, […]

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October 13, 2003

I noticed today that I've appeared on Gary Turner's BlogRoll. I find myself to be really very chuffed at this. I've been a daily visitor to Gary's most excellent blog for ages, so it's kinda cool to think that he pops over here once in a while for a quick shufty. I do like all […]

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Another application out

October 13, 2003

Applied for one job as a Web Editor today, well, a contract actually. Six months in Manchester. Whilst I would really prefer a little more security than that offered by a six month contract, at least it would be money coming in, as opposed to the situation as it is at the moment. I've also […]

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Saving Ant from drowning

October 12, 2003

It's still going on, you know, these celebrity appearances. I think I've got myself stuck in a rut with them. Anyway, last night's was Ant and Dec (for non-UK residents, Ant and Dec are a pair of cheeky northern laddies that used to present SM:TV, a fantastically good Saturday morning show, but who now do […]

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A little on the verbose side

October 12, 2003

Wow, this NY entry is taking me ages to write. I've been at it most of the day, and I'm still only half way through. Partly it's down to having to sort through so many photos, then resize the ones I've picked and all that. Maybe I'll do it in two halves. I'll see how […]

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October 11, 2003

What do you do when what you feel you ought to do diametrically opposes what you actually want to do?

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The dangers, ow, of playing, ow, too much, ow, guitar

October 10, 2003

I got my Takamine out the other day and put it on a stand in my office. I’ve picked it up a few times to play and slowly but surely all that I used to know is coming back to me. As I play I can feel my brain frantically searching through its archives for […]

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October 9, 2003

Just downloading the 373 pictures I've taken over the last few days. Might take me a while to sort through them. Have also transferred to my desktop the half-finished blog entry I've been writing whilst away. That also might take a while to complete. But I shall, soon enough, give you all the gory details […]

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Remember kids, the internet's not just for Christmas, it's for life

October 9, 2003

Whoever first posited the idea that the internet is ephemeral was, I think, underestimating the power of archives. Via my visitor stats, I discovered a thread on Sweet Addy, a messageboard where I used to post incessantly before transferring my attentions here. Someone there discovered an old post of mine, from back in June – […]

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Back among the desert of the familiar

October 9, 2003

Well, yup, I'm back in Dorset. Flight back was fine, coach from Heathrow was, well, fine. Have had bugger all sleep, so currently feeling a bit zombieish. Currently downloading 250 emails which, through this crappy connection, is taking an age. Eudora's irritating too as it doesn't display any of them until they're all downloaded, so […]

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JFK and ready for the red eye

October 8, 2003

Tried to blog a little earlier from the Easy Internet cafe on Times Square, but admin was down. How's that for Sod's Law in action? Currently sitting in the Virgin Clubhouse, awaiting dinner on the ground before we catch the red eye back to London. I should be landing around 7.30am local time tomorrow, although […]

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I'm here!

October 7, 2003

It's true, I'm here, in New York (or should that be Noo Yawk?). Flight over was fine – hello Simon, Patrik and James! – and although I didn't get my back massage, I did manage to avail myself of the bar facility quite comprehensively. Checked into our small closet at the Milford Plaza, which has […]

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