Mae Nic wedi dechrau defnyddio Flickr, ac mae popeth yn y Gymraeg. Lluniau neis iawn, Nic. Diolch am rannu!
Ond… Dw i newydd gweld oedd Nic yn arfer byw yn Cathays Terrace, c. 93. O'n i'n arfer byw yn Cathays Terrace, c. 93, hefyd. Spŵci.
Chwarae teg
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Ooh, more sexy Welsh. Is “spwci” really the way a Welsh person says “spooky”? (Sorry, can't type a circumflex.)
O'n i'n arfer byw ar Cathays Terrace 'fyd! (ond ddim circa '93 – mwy fel circa '98-99)
Ma'r deli Eidalaidd neis oedd arfer bod yno wedi cau lawr rwan – bw hw.
O'n i wrth y modd cael gwerth dwybunt o salami Milano ar y ffordd nol o gwaith a sglaffio fo gyd mewn un eisteddiad ar ol cyrraedd adref!
The Academi dictionary says 'bwganllyd, arswydus, brawychus, dychrynllyd', but you're as likely to see spwci as anything. The habit of Welsh speakers to steal loan words from English whenever they have forgotten the Welsh words makes it much easier, in some respects, for learners.
Are -(n)llyd and -us adjective-forming suffixes? Warning: I will hare off on linguistic tangents as long as anyone is paying attention, and often longer.
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