by Suw on January 19, 2005

So here I am, emulating my friend and hero Joi by paying through the nose for an hour's wifi in Terminal 3 of London Heathrow. Except Joi always seems to be at Frankfurt, but the principle is the same.
The coach to LHR was early, so I had the delight of a leisurely amble to check in (no queue) and then security (no queue) and am now sitting in O'Neill's Fake Irish Pub With Really Bad 'Art” On The Walls And No Power Outlets (no queue). Why can't airports get this – that power outlets are the lifeblood of the business traveller these days and that people with laptops like places with power outlets. If people can hook up to power, they will stay in the same place for ages. And spend money. Get my drift?
As for the wifi. Five quid for a single poxy hour? I paid that for a whole day in DC, but frankly, for a place like this it should be free. And pervasive. And why can't they have a nice lounge with desks and power outlets for people who have better things to do *cough* than sit about getting munted before take-off? I mean, I have comment spam to clean off my blog, ffs, don't they realise this? I have IRC to visit, email to pick up, stats to check. (Oooh, Strange Attractor got seriously del.icio.us'd and kuro5hin'd yesterday. Cool!)
So, my luggage is half the weight of what I am allowed, and I can still barely pick it up so probably a good job it's a small case. I have my iPod – now stocked up with several days' of music, Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age (my Christmas present from crw) in my bag, three hours left on my laptop battery and about 12 hours still to kill.
le sigh
*evil grin*
See you on the other side.

Anonymous January 19, 2005 at 2:13 pm

You are doing exactly what I did when I used Heathrow to fly out to Toronto, sit in O'Neills using the ?5 an hour T-Mobile Hotspot. The only different is that I had 'Perdido street station' to read.
That, and I didn't have the promise of smoochies on the other side of the journey.
Safe flight

Anonymous January 19, 2005 at 2:39 pm

…and don't do what I did last time I was at the airport and get so engrossed in email, instant messaging and RSS reading, that you end up being a gnat's tackle away from missing your flight….
I guess I should learn to set alarms on iCal…

Anonymous January 19, 2005 at 3:43 pm

Be safe!

Anonymous January 19, 2005 at 7:19 pm

You will like The Diamond Age, I think. I liked it much better than Snowcrash.

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