How to toilet train a cat

by Suw on January 3, 2005

It had never previously occurred to me that one could toilet train a cat, but whilst I doubt either of ours would go for it, I can certainly see the sense if you have a younger cat and a small apartment.
(Thanks crw!)

Anonymous January 4, 2005 at 1:14 pm

I was talking to a guy the other day who toilet trained his pet rabbit which lived in the house with him. This confused the poor rabbit so much that when it was allowed out on the grass in the garden it used to dash back into the kitchen to use it's litter tray instead of soiling the grass…

Anonymous January 10, 2005 at 1:44 am

Nearly all cats can be toilet-trained. Takes about a week. It's actually better if you ask them to use the bath rather than the toilet, as it's just as easy for your to flush away and is much much easier for the cat to use.
You just have to be unambiguous and consistent.
And therein lies the problem for most humans…

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