April 2004

Kinja tell what it is yet?

April 12, 2004

When I wrote my Kinja post last week, I was starting off from a bias-free point of view. Read the rest.

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April 12, 2004

Off to London tomorrow for the best part of a week. Read the rest.

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techno bc 3

April 11, 2004
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CnV moves to Blogware

April 11, 2004

OK, I'm now convinced of Blogware's superiority and am moving my blog over there permanently. Well, for the forseeable future anyway. If you have a link to me in your blogroll or sidebar, please can you change it to: http://chocnvodka.blogware.com/. If you have an RSS feed of my blog, please update it to http://chocnvodka.blogware.com/blog/index.xml Archives […]

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give me a job!

April 11, 2004

Suw Charman is a freelance writer and web designer who is currently looking for work. She has written for BBC Wales and the Melody Maker amongst others. She speaks Welsh and runs two services for learners: Get Fluent and Clwb Malu Cachu. This blog has now moved to Blogware. Please update your blogroll/links. Thank you!

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site header

April 11, 2004

has now moved permanently to http://chocnvodka.blogware.com/

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Just what I?ve been looking for!

April 9, 2004

A while ago I was thinking ?Oh, wouldn?t it be cool if I could display a feed of the #joiito bot blog on my own blog??, but I had no idea how to do it. Today, I discovered Feedroll, a website that allows you to take any RSS-type feed and display it on your blog. […]

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Just what I've been looking for!

April 9, 2004

A while ago I was thinking ?Oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could display a feed of the #joiito bot blog on my own blog?', but I had no idea how to do it. Today, I discovered Feedroll, a website that allows you to take any RSS-type feed and display it on your blog. […]

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Travis – Twelve Memories

April 7, 2004

I don't know what it is about heartbreak. Maybe it's just that it's so familiar. Strangely comfortable in the way that old, ill-fitting shoes are. You know that you should get rid of them, but the constant pain is at the very least a reminder that you are alive, because you can't feel pain when […]

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Forgotten gems

April 7, 2004

Sometimes, you come across a blog that makes you stop and think for a while. A blog that takes your breath away. A blog written in such a way that you sit, dumbstruck, whilst you read. Quite a long while ago I came across Strip Mining for Whimsy. I don?t know why I stopped reading […]

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Blogroll meltdown

April 7, 2004

I?ve been trying to combine my various and assorted lists of blogs into one proper Blogrolling blogroll. I have an html bookmarks doc on my c: which is a huge page of useful links, including blogs. I have the blogs that are on my Blog-City bookmark list. And I have my list of Bloglines rss/xml […]

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blogroll meltdown

April 7, 2004

I’ve been trying to combine my various and assorted lists of blogs into one proper Blogrolling blogroll. I have an html bookmarks doc on my c: which is a huge page of useful links, including blogs. I have the blogs that are on my Blog-City bookmark list. And I have my list of Bloglines rss/xml […]

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Forgotten gems

April 7, 2004

Sometimes, you come across a blog that makes you stop and think for a while. A blog that takes your breath away. A blog written in such a way that you sit, dumbstruck, whilst you read. Quite a long while ago I came across Strip Mining for Whimsy. I don’t know why I stopped reading […]

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Travis – Twelve Memories

April 7, 2004

I don't know what it is about heartbreak. Maybe it's just that it's so familiar. Strangely comfortable in the way that old, ill-fitting shoes are. You know that you should get rid of them, but the constant pain is at the very least a reminder that you are alive, because you can't feel pain when […]

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David Weinberger finally gets a grip on BLX

April 6, 2004

In BLX news today, David Weinberger has finally got up to speed with BLX, but also outlines an alarming development: Microsoft has announced that it?s embedding BLX in its Office suite. First SCO, then Microsoft. Big business is taking over BLX, and that can?t be good for anyone. Gary has once again taken the initiative […]

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