I?ve been trying to combine my various and assorted lists of blogs into one proper Blogrolling blogroll. I have an html bookmarks doc on my c: which is a huge page of useful links, including blogs. I have the blogs that are on my Blog-City bookmark list. And I have my list of Bloglines rss/xml feeds. Whilst there is much overlap, there are also a lot of blogs that are only one list.
I?ve spent ages today just opening blogs, Blogrolling them, and then moving on to the next one. I haven?t finished yet, and already I have so many blogs on my Blogroll that I?m wondering how the hell I ever get any work done at all.
Blogroll meltdown
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I finally gave up and decided to use an RSS reader that I could then “publish” as a blogroll.
It's still in beta, and is for Windows only, but you might want to give Jaeger a try.
Thanks for the link Calgal. Sadly, I am still running Win98SE, which Jaeger doesn't seem to support. Stop laughing now… Not my fault… 😉
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