Like a fish-eye lense that takes in more than you can view with the naked eye alone, Four Corners brings together contributors from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania in a brand new group blog. Four Corners seeks to straddle boundaries, meld cultures and create a global shared storytelling experience for both writers and readers.
I was delighted when Robert Daeley asked me to contribute to Four Corners. There is with Four Corners an opportunity for me to write essays that might seem out of place here on my own blog. It?s an opportunity I relish – it gives me a chance to get my teeth into subjects that perhaps I otherwise wouldn?t write about.
In the interests of cross-pollination, I shall post here the opening paragraphs of my essays on Four Corners and I invite you to pop across and see what else this new and undoubtedly fascinating blog has to offer.
Please do let me know what you think.
Three fours. Four Corners.
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Next post: A little piece of history
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