by Suw on February 28, 2004
Ok, so I know you’ve all seen snow before. Well, I presume you’ve all seen snow before. Certainly there are enough pictures of snow on tv and the internet that even if you haven't seen snow in the flesh before, you can't possibly be unaware of the nature of snow. So these pictures aren’t going to be hugely educational.
But I like them anyway.

Daffs bowing under the weight

Our garden

Across the road from here


Twee two!
by Suw on February 28, 2004
From a conversation on #joiito, it seems that yes, Orkut* really does mean ‘orgasms’ in Finnish, but better still, ‘join Orkut’ actually means ‘Joi’s orgasms’.
I’d been wondering what the screaming was every time I opened my emails…
*Orkut-the-site is named after Orkut-the-guy, who developed it.
by Suw on February 28, 2004
Another post courtesy of #joiito.
Suw, IRC-ing from bed
Could not get it quite through her head
That to type with one hand
Gives us to understand
She is fiddling elsewhere instead
A Dorsetshire maiden named Suw
Was unsure which language to do
Advised by Maciej
She got carried away
I językiem zrobiła coś mu
by Suw on February 28, 2004
Listening to all my Blur albums tonight. Hearing things in the songs now that I don't remember noticing before, remembering things I thought I'd forgotten, feeling feelings I haven't felt for years.
Makes me want to get my bass guitar out again, to feel the surge of bass run through me like electricity, making all my hairs stand up on end. Why did I stop playing? What happened? Listening to Parklife, I can't recognise who I am now, it's so different from who I was then.
by Suw on February 28, 2004
It's official – I'm going to BlogTalk 2.0 in Vienna in July. Registered just now, and am already planning the trip.
Some of the other bloggers I know may going: Gary Turner's thinking about it, Horst Prillinger's submitting a paper, as is Maciej Cegłowski. Couple of other #joiitoers may also be there, so already it's looking like it will be fun.
Who knows, I might even learn something.