Funny how just when you've totally forgotten that you were ever looking for something, you find it. Ages ago, I saw part of a Have I Got News For You spoof London undergound map from '97 on Going Underground, and was dying to find the rest of it. Of course, I didn't.
Having totally forgotten all about said map, today a circuitous blog route took me from Horst Prillinger to the Going Underground blog to the full map at Craphound, which turned out not to be so funny the second time round, just mildly amusing.
Far more interesting and also via Going Underground, is a map of how the Unterground would look if we'd lost the war. My favourite is station is '2.4km Ende'.
But, better than even that is Horst's English translation of the Vienna Underground (select the 'freely translated' version). Some of the place names, like City Hall or Castle Lane, translate quite sensibly, but Horst's gone for a lyrical rather than accurate version of some others. I'd love to live in a place called Grumbling Square or As-If Road. And I'd love to know what was going on at Avoidance High Street…
Somehow the german map is only funny if any and all german is complete gibberish to you. Actually I would not be suprised if there were maps like that one in Germany.
This blog also painfully reminded me of my as yet first and only encounter with the London Unterground, when I took it in the wrong circular direction and nearly got STUCK in england for missing my connection.
ICK! Fries with gravy or vinegar!
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The craphound one is a bad 2003 ripoff of the very good original you were looking for – The Great Bear by Simon Patterson.
Hard to find a high quality copy online –
Hope this helps.
Sorry, your link to my translated Vienna Underground maps no longer works due to some recent changes on my site.
They can now be found on this page:
Thanks for the update Horst!
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