I just realised that the default address in my Amazon account was wrong. Gah. I hope I've changed it in time for Secret Santa!
God, I'm such an idiot…
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bubbling enthusiasm for $arbitrary_topic
I just realised that the default address in my Amazon account was wrong. Gah. I hope I've changed it in time for Secret Santa!
God, I'm such an idiot…
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1. Business plans are fairytales.
2. No matter how bad you think your worst case scenario is, reality can be a lot worse.
3. Any neighbour playing deafeningly loud music at 4am is probably not going to react too well to being asked to turn it down.
4. Cats are expert human-trainers.
5. Money is just money; debt is just debt. You can't take either with you when you go.
6. Your family might drive you nuts, but they'll also drive for an hour to look after you when you're really ill.
7. Vomiting doesn't get easier the more you do of it.
8. Most of the people telling you that you can't do something are really telling you that they can't.
9. There are no boundaries in grief – you can mourn the loss of a stranger as much as the loss of a friend.
10. The need to confess is secondary only to the need to publish.
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Apparently, CnV currently ranks #4695 out of 5972 in the Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem, which makes me no better than a Crunchy Crustacean. C'mon guys! I know I'll never make a Higher Being – and frankly, who'd want to? – but at least get me up with the vertebrates.
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