Trefor Habour, North Wales, August 02
One thing that does always worry me a bit about digitised images is that I can't help but alter them in Photoshop – usually just to tweak the levels a bit – but I never know if I've ended up making them too dark, too light, too saturated. My monitor isn't callibrated and I have no idea how they look on other people's monitors. It's one of the great frustrations of the digital photography age.
Christ, that's meant to be a boat?
Arf. Just kidding. Looks perfectly sweet on my monitor so you must be doing something right.
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Ooh, you cheeky whassit… 😉 Glad it looks ok to you though. Hopefully it looks ok on everyone else's monitors too.
What i wouldn't give for a mac with a beautiful flat hi-res monitor…
What I wouldn't give for a fully decked out hi-tech recording studio…
Some guys buy porno mags to lust over. Me: I drool over music technology mags.
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I tend to drool over techie things too… macs… ipods… segways… (no, really, I do drool over segways, just cos… well, just cos, really)
I'm sorry. I'm a geek. There's no getting away from it.
I'm a bigger geek than you.
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Oh, let's not get into the geek points scoring thing here. Because insofar as geeks go, i'm really far geekier than I might at first appear. I'm a stealth geek, you see. I look normal, act normal, sound normal, but underneath… oh dear me. You don't want to know.
Can't talk… reading about DXi soft synths.
Oooooh, multi-band processing!
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