May 2003

I give up on deep and meaningful posts

May 9, 2003

I don?t know whether it?s something to do with Mercury being retrograde at the moment. Or maybe the internet?s feng shui is bad – possibly someone put an NT server in the communications corner and screwed it up. Perhaps it?s that I haven?t performed the correct ritual sacrifice of a sweet, innocent virgin cable modem […]

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May 9, 2003

I've added the facility to post comments now. I don't expect to get any, but the option's there if you want it.

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Ahh, Friday afternoons…

May 9, 2003

A Pimms and lemonade in my hand, perfectly complementing the summery blue sky outside… the phutphutphut of narrow boats chugging somnolently up the Kennet… the soft swish of my brain cells as they drain out through my ears whilst I contemplate a weekend spent chained to my darling computer… and the gentle yearning for a […]

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I give up on deep and meaningful posts

May 9, 2003

I don’t know whether it’s something to do with Mercury being retrograde at the moment. Or maybe the internet’s feng shui is bad – possibly someone put an NT server in the communications corner and screwed it up. Perhaps it’s that I haven’t performed the correct ritual sacrifice of a sweet, innocent virgin cable modem […]

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What's going on?

May 8, 2003

I've never been a morning person, so I'd dearly like to know why I keep waking up at 6am and, (and this is the freaky bit) actually getting up. When I first started on this self-unemployment thing about six years ago, you'd be lucky to see me out of bed during the hours of daylight […]

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The weblit bonanza

May 8, 2003

Well, The Guardian is busy keeping up its journalistic standards by telling us that the web has not, contrary to earlier rumours, taken literature off into the woods and wrung its scrawny neck but is, in fact, helping the dying art form cling to life by providing us rich middleclass westerners with computers the opportunity […]

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I'll never be clean

May 7, 2003

Ah, you can trust a truly shitty day to drive you back to the comfort and warmth of the internet. I guess once an addict, always an addict. I just stuck ‘why blog’ into Google and it came up with William Gibson’s blog, notable because only today did I see Gibson’s name mentioned in Neil […]

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Cold turkey

May 5, 2003

My head is a seething morass of thoughts today, each one writhing against the next like a ball of herring desperately trying to escape the tuna fish herding them up to the surface of the sea to ensure that each and every one becomes lunch. I’m going cold turkey. That’s it. My addiction (or should […]

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The City, here I come!

May 2, 2003

I would like to know if anyone’s got a formula for calculating the Doppler shift on fast receding deadlines. I’m pretty sure that there must be one, as you can hear that kinda funny pitch-shifting whining sound they make as they go past. Equally, there must be a formula for the apparent speed with which […]

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May 2, 2003

Here's that Organica page that wasn't working the other day. I notice that neither Organica nor Ecosystems are 100% accurate, though. I actually have four links into this blog, not three. And when you're talking about such small numbers, a difference of one is important!

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Ha ha ha!! Fame at last!

May 1, 2003

I've just had a bit of an influx of emails after PopBitch included the CMC swearing in Welsh cheat sheet in its weekly email. If you get it, scroll right down to the very, very bottom to find: Still bored? Learn how to swear in Welsh: Fame! Fame at last! Ffycin ffantastig! Ah, I […]

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