Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Late to the Flickr party

by Suw on October 20, 2004

I signed up for a Flickr account ages ago – before I'd even moved CnV from Blog-City to Blogware so it must have been early March – but although I've been signed up for months, it's taken me until now to start uploading photos. The impetus was wanting to post photos from last weekend's drinks with Joi, Cory, Tom and a raft of other lovely people, but not really wanting to blog about it all.
Anyway, I have to say that now I've used it, I really like Flickr. It's easy to upload and tag photos, it's fun when people leave comments on them, and because Flickr doesn't require any standard file size or anything, I don't have to resize in Photoshop. I just maybe crop and tweak.
It's also easy to see what other people are uploading and to explore their photo albums. Plus, you have an RSS and an Atom feed, and I think the pro version does even more than the free one. So yes, I'm a convert.
So, finally, I've started to upload my photos from Vienna and BlogTalk2 for your delight and pleasure. Enjoy!

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Microfame, blogs and churn rates

by Suw on October 20, 2004

Back in August (see how behind I've been with my blog reading?!) Danny O'Brien chewed on a question that is very close to being a question that's very close to my heart. Danny's questions is 'How Famous Do You Want To Be?'.

The fame question appeared in 1997. We were futzing around doing an NTK Live in Soho, and Stew Lee turned up to watch. He was very impressed with all the cabling and the recording equipment and the laptops we were using, and asked how many people were listening to the show online. Standing next to the streaming server, I could answer him instantly: maybe twenty or so (there were probably about seventy people watching the show at the venue). He looked very disappointed, and probably a bit defensively, I found myself asking him The First Question. How many people do you need to be famous for?

Read the rest on Strange Attractor

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