
Are you suffering?

August 2, 2005

From blog depression?

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I once swore…

August 2, 2005

…relatively recently, that I would date no one but another geek. Weirdly, it seems I'm not alone. There's even a book, ffs. Well, you know what they say. The geeks shall inherit the earth. (…the live, and the neutral.)

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Never run with scissors…

July 28, 2005

… or on the London Underground.

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Craigslist for bloggers

July 26, 2005

Hugh's started up a wiki for bloggers looking for work, love, or blog consultants. Great idea – perfect for the hResume microformat too, once it gets up and running (microformat = way to format structured data online in a human readable form, so that we can read it but web apps do cool shit with […]

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Ugliest dog ever

July 24, 2005

Brace yourself. (Thanks Euan.) Brace yourself again.

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The missing bits

July 22, 2005

Somebody somewhere has done this map of the London Underground with the bits missing after yesterday's bombings, and those of two weeks ago. Huge chunks were (and some still are) knocked out, including lots of the bits I'll be wanting to use later on. And I've forgotten my A-Z, so I'll have to buy a […]

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I had to write an essay on this at uni

July 21, 2005

The Moon. (Now zoom to maximum resolution.) Via Gary.

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Terror alert level

July 13, 2005

Next level up: A pint of best. PS. I should make clear, as I posted this in a hurry yesterday and didn't, that I didn't make this image. Someone far smarter than I did, but I have no idea whom.

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My inbox overfloweth

June 29, 2005

I've been predominantly offline for the last week and a half and my inbox now has a mammoth number of unread, and unreplied-to emails. I am currently sitting in a wifi cafe with no damn wifi (although, of course, when I post this I will obviously have relocated), which very effectively slows down the replying […]

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Speaks for itself

June 21, 2005
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All About Palm

May 20, 2005

I've been gnawing at my fingernails recently, desperate to tell you all about my new venture with co-conspirators Ewan Spence, Rafe Blandford, Dave Thomson and Jody Armstrong, but at last, today, I can! All About Palm does exactly what it says on the tin, covers Palm Powered smartphones and PDAs and discusses anything remotely related […]

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Help for a friend

April 30, 2005

My good friend Jeremy lost his laptop this week, after his two year old son poured water in it because it 'looked thirsty'. With it goes his HDD and all the data on it, including the latest chapters of the book he's been writing. Like me, Jeremy is self-employed and relies on his computer for […]

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My name in Hebrew

April 29, 2005

This is way too cool. A page on the Hebrew Wikipedia about Celtic languages, links to my blog here because I blog in Welsh and English. Thus do I find out that my name in Hebrew is סו צ'רמן. My friend Itamar tells me that “written Hebrew in most cases omits vowels, so it actually […]

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Jacques, Jacques, Jacques your 2CV

April 29, 2005

Absolutely wonderful version of the Citroen C4 Transformer ad, which I loved. (Thanks Stereo!)

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Danger! 50,000 Nick Frosts!

April 26, 2005

You may remember that last year I showed a little bit of interest in a British zombie flick called Shaun of the Dead, so it probably won't surprise you to hear that when my mates Ewan and Cameron asked me if I wanted to help them interview Nick Frost for The Podcast Network's Movie Show […]

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