
Accordian Guy's worst date. Ever.

March 11, 2004

This will make all the bad dates you have ever been on pale into insignificance. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3a Part 3b Part 4 Part 5

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Blog space

March 11, 2004

Following the meme that's doing the rounds of #joiito, from Anarkystic, back to ButtUgly and beyond, here's my new blog space. Note the vile pink decor and horrible nets that I really ought to do something about very soon; the bottle of Wyborowa within easy reach; the small clock on top of my monitor set […]

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No blogging for a bit

March 10, 2004

I have to take a break for a while – I have a 551 unanswered emails in my inbox which I must sort through. I may drop in with the odd link I come across, or one-liners if I think of them, but long entries aren't going to happen for a while. Besides, Blog-City's up […]

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Where is my gay apocalypse?

March 9, 2004

From, Mark Morford asks the question that we all want to know the answer to: Where is our gay apocalypse? Huh? (Thanks Itamar)

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How I got my W

March 8, 2004

I’ve had a few people ask me lately how I got my w. After all, it’s pronounced “soo”, which sounds just like the usual shortening of my name, Susan, so why spell it differently? It is the influence of Welsh, as in the name Huw? Well, in a word? no. My first proper job out […]

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A sudden proliferation of vodka

March 7, 2004

Let me just set the scene for you. This is Dorset. Arse end of nowhere. Round these parts, Polish is something you use to make the furniture shine. The eastern bloc is just next to the western block of flats just down the road (where 'block' means a building a whole three storeys high). Russian […]

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Midget gems

March 5, 2004

Just a few links I’ve been hoarding over the last few days whilst the blog’s been down. An absolutely stunning trailer for a film called Casshern which looks utterly and amazingly cool. Sadly, both trailer and website are totally incomprehensible to me, but they have prompted a sudden urge to learn Japanese. It’s either that […]

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Sorry for the outage

March 5, 2004

Blog-City's been doing some major rennovations of their service, and it's taken them a while to get the new version up and running. All seems to be working now, though, so I guess we'll see how it beds in. Will blog more later.?

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Sexi Ixus

March 1, 2004

I can’t seem to leave a comment on my own blog board at the moment, so in reply to Pandora’s question, I use a Canon Ixus V3 which is small yet perfectly formed. I then tweak in Photoshop, but often the levels don't need changing anyway so it’s just a matter of a bit of […]

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Career plan now confirmed

February 29, 2004

GapingVoid. Go. Now. Or else.

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Leap day celebrations

February 29, 2004

So, how did you spend yours? How are you spending yours? An extra day in the year, and a Sunday too. A beautiful day, weatherwise, here. Sunny. Blue skies. A little cloud but not til the afternoon. An extra day. A gift. A treat. A day to be spent doing things you wouldn't perhaps otherwise […]

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BlogTalk 2.0 – registration complete

February 28, 2004

It's official – I'm going to BlogTalk 2.0 in Vienna in July. Registered just now, and am already planning the trip. Some of the other bloggers I know may going: Gary Turner's thinking about it, Horst Prillinger's submitting a paper, as is Maciej Cegłowski. Couple of other #joiitoers may also be there, so already it's […]

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To the end

February 28, 2004

Listening to all my Blur albums tonight. Hearing things in the songs now that I don't remember noticing before, remembering things I thought I'd forgotten, feeling feelings I haven't felt for years. Makes me want to get my bass guitar out again, to feel the surge of bass run through me like electricity, making all […]

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More limerick goodness

February 28, 2004

Another post courtesy of #joiito. Suw, IRC-ing from bed Could not get it quite through her head That to type with one hand Gives us to understand She is fiddling elsewhere instead -om A Dorsetshire maiden named Suw Was unsure which language to do Advised by Maciej She got carried away I językiem zrobiła coś […]

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Orkut's parents should have checked his name for regional variations

February 28, 2004

From a conversation on #joiito, it seems that yes, Orkut* really does mean ‘orgasms’ in Finnish, but better still, ‘join Orkut’ actually means ‘Joi’s orgasms’. I’d been wondering what the screaming was every time I opened my emails… *Orkut-the-site is named after Orkut-the-guy, who developed it.

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