
Blog Cymraeg newydd

March 21, 2004

Dyma blog Cymraeg newydd ar eich cyfer chi i gyd: Siffrwd Helyg. Mwynhewch!

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March 21, 2004

Finger was doing ok, then I started typing again and back the pain came. Well, let's not overstate the case – it's more deep discomfort than actual pain, but it very much has an RSI flavour to it. RSI is my deepest fear, (after cars), as it should be for every working writer. I have […]

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Hire me

March 19, 2004

The inimitable and really quite wonderful Hugh over at gapingvoid has done me a hire ad: In return, I would like to say that you should go and buy blogcards right now, and when you've done that you should go and buy Hugh's originals. I am not saying this in order to obtain a promise […]

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The Guardian on Elliott

March 19, 2004

I never thought that Elliott Smith committed suicide. I never blogged about it at the time. I wanted to, but it was just too upsetting, particularly when the coroner's report came out on Smoking Gun. I still don't believe he committed suicide. I'm not alone in this.

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Blogging with one hand

March 19, 2004

Well, one and a half really. I did something nasty to my little finger last night and now it hurts a lot. It feels as if, if only I could manipulate it and get something that's out of place back in place, it would be ok but no amount of wiggling is helping. I've strapped […]

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So, the slut is fake?

March 18, 2004

Via Stuart Hughes comes the news that Belle de Jour, the London whore who won The Guardian's British Blog Awards really may not exist. Rumours that she's a faker started almost as soon as she won, and persisted despite the fact that she's apparently got a book deal now. Now The Times has revealed that […]

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I really hate…

March 18, 2004

…Wanky websites that make you download and install a new plug-in before you can use them via a process which means you have to close all your browser windows except that one so suddenly all those tabs you have open that you want to record in some way require bookmarking which adds another foot or […]

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The great chocolate vodka experiment

March 17, 2004

I’ve never been one for novelty vodkas. You can keep your spicy vodkas or your citrus vodkas – I’m not really interested. I like my vodka like I like my men – in a glass. Er, I mean, smooth, Polish and intoxicating. I have been aware of the existence of chocolate vodka for some time […]

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Sproing is sprungded!

March 16, 2004

The sun is shining into my room with intent. This is the first time it's really done more than peep apologetically round the garage before immediately sinking behind someone's roof. I’m having to duck behind my monitor to write this, lest I be blinded by its light. Earlier, I saw a brimstone butterfly, fluttering round […]

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Good news

March 15, 2004

Good news on the work front, hopefully. I'm in negotiations now for some freelance work which with any luck will prove to be not just interesting and enjoyable but which will also allow me to open negotiations with the wolves that have been waiting so patiently at my door. Please keep your fingers crossed for […]

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For the love of all that's right, let me sleep!

March 14, 2004

Every night, at least once a night but sometimes twice, something in my room goes 'ptwoing' very, very loudly. Other items in my room randomly crack and creak, also very loudly. And Fflwff has recently developed a habit of attempting to steal the water from my glass, which usually involves her trampling all over me […]

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Better late than never

March 13, 2004

Finally, after three weeks and four days, I have managed to figure out how to access my Hydra memos. I therefore am now in a position to bring you… this. Thanks Itamar.

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technorati blog claim

March 12, 2004
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Celia, Celia by Adrian Mitchell

March 12, 2004

When I am sad and weary When I think all hope has gone When I walk along the High Holborn I think of you with nothing on

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What is it with snow and Thursdays?

March 11, 2004

I do not remember the last time it snowed here three times in one year. Nor do I understand why this year it should choose to only snow on a Thursday. But it's snowing again. I really don't think I need to take pictures this time, do I? No… I need to go to bed […]

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