
Less than an hour…

August 28, 2003

The man from NTL rang and said that he'd be here within the hour. I feel like I should go on some sort of manic downloading spree whilst I have the chance. I can't think of anything big I want to download though. So I'll just post this last entry and leave it at that. […]

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Waiting for NTL

August 28, 2003

When I arranged for NTL to come and pick up my modem, they promised that they'd leave it as late as possible. Now it's 4pm and I wonder how much longer I shall have my connection. Please! Don't take my baby away! Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase! *wahhh wahhh wahhhhhh* Course the fact that I can actually blog again […]

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Mags v. books

August 28, 2003

Why is a box of magazines heavier than a box of the same size filled with books? Do magazines use particularly dense paper or something? Or maybe magazines have some sort of wormhole link to a parallel universe from which they suck in extra matter to bulk themselves out. Which means somewhere, an alternative me […]

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More boxes…

August 28, 2003

Just popped out to buy yet more archive boxes. I already have 26, filled and stacked in the kitchen. I would say I have at least another five or so to go. First, though, I have to finish up designing an ad for my Mum. Ooh, the excitment. How will I stay calm? Just to […]

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The Blogging Forecast for today

August 28, 2003

Today, the Blogging Forecast is many short, pointless posts throughout the day, until NTL come and take my modem away late this afternoon, at which point blogging will cease. Blogging may be resumed Friday afternoon or evening, although the hiatus may persist into Saturday morning. Or afternoon. Or maybe Sunday. It all depends on a) […]

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August 28, 2003

Why am I up at this hour? Why did I wake at 7? Why is it going to rain today? And why does the Coke I bought yesterday taste so horrendously disgusting this morning? Still, I need the caffeine. Also, why does the post I posted at 1.15am this morning show up as posted yesterday? […]

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Progress, possibly

August 27, 2003

I feel like I've been hit by a truck. It's 1.15am, and I'm bloody knackered. I wanted to clear out the filing cabinet – four drawers of indespensible junk – but I've only managed 3/4 of it. The last drawer I can't face. The rest have been sorted and boxed, though. One day I'll have […]

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August 27, 2003

I really don't like packing. Have I mentioned that yet? It's ok if there are two of you and you can talk and while away the time whilst your hands are putting things in boxes, but it is quite the most dull thing to do on your own. Still, I'm shredding absolutely anything that could […]

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Something I've never done before

August 27, 2003

If you've read much of my blog lately you'll know that I'm several miles beyond skint. I have a small house in north Wales' worth of debt, and currently no job. Now, being British, and having been brought up to believe that asking for stuff is wrong, I would never normally do this, but I'm […]

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The Thorntons Champagne Truffles… They call to me…

August 27, 2003

I can hear them calling my name, their voices in my head, tormenting me, torturing me, beckoning me, tempting me… 'Suw,' they say. 'Buy us,' they say. 'Stock up on us. Because you won't find us when you move to the Arseendofnowhere…' What can I do but obey?

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August 26, 2003

I can’t remember the last time I looked forward to a new comic as much as I’ve been looking forward to 1602. I’ve been avoiding Forbidden Planet for years, too frightened of maxing out my credit cards to dare step foot in there, but today I braved it in order to get my hands on […]

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Kitten troubles

August 26, 2003

Seems that Neil Gaiman is having kitten nasal self-insertion problems. I sympathise. Although he should be grateful that it's a small kitten with stripes attempting to climb into his nostril, and not Fflwff.

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Wahey! Woohoo!! Yippee!!!

August 26, 2003

My weblog reached 10,000 hits at some point overnight. For reasons inexplicable, this makes me kinda happy.

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Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirate's life for me!

August 25, 2003

What is it about big, swooping orchestral scores, with rip-roaring rabble-rousing anthems that makes me want to swish my fingers around in the air as if I were some sort of demented John Barry? Klaus Badelt's score for Pirates of the Caribbean is as marvellous as the film. Particularly The Black Pearl, a track with […]

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A few minor questions

August 25, 2003

Ok… Here's what I don't get. Why do some men think… – muscle shirts are attractive – being drunk makes up for not being attractive – the fact that I'm nice enough to be polite means that I'm also stupid enough to put up with your shit – an aroma of stale sweat, fags and […]

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