
MS to release Welsh module for XP and Office

January 25, 2004

Via email from Euan Semple (and Drew), it's reported by The Register that MS has been working with the Welsh Language Board on a Welsh language module for XP and Office. Whether this step by the notoriously uncooperative MS is because of a rival Welsh version of Linux is, I think, largely irrelevant. They're doing […]

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For the persons wishing to know what vinegar has in it

January 24, 2004

It appears that five people have located this blog whilst attempting to find out via Google what vinegar is made of. I doubt very much that you found your answer here when you first visited, but for the record you might like to know that vinegar is mainly acetic acid. It's made, in case you […]

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Gotta get yerself connected…

January 24, 2004

Tonight I'm feeling the most connected I've ever felt since having that firewire cable surgically removed, and it's all down to a little site called Orkut. Orkut, which is apparently Finnish for 'orgasm', is another one of these social networking websites, but unlike Friendster it's new and small and full of very cool people from […]

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Boxes, boxes, everywhere

January 24, 2004

And not a jot of packing done today. Looks like we move house next Friday, come hell or highwater. Most of my packing is actually repacking as although I never unpacked from when I moved back here in August last year, I have frequently riffled through my stuff to pull out that essential book/cd/thing, hence […]

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Preventing linkrot

January 22, 2004

I'm in the middle of a significant reorganisation of the Clwb Malu Cachu website. I hesitate to say 'redesign' because it's going to look pretty much the same when I've finished as it did before I started, but I am changing the menu to make the site easier to navigate and I'm adding some nice […]

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Reinhold and Yeti

January 21, 2004

Via V: “Entertainment? Frustratement more like!” Update: My highest score so far is 321.1. Apparently the record is 323.5, so I'm not doing too badly. Later: 322.9.

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A little early in the year, but still, fancy a barbeque?

January 21, 2004

Last night I had my first decent night’s sleep in a week, uninterrupted by blocked noses, sinus pain, acute stomach cramps, headaches, nose bleeds, gurgling radiators, murderous nightmares, cats or parents. This morning I feel perkier than I have in ages, although I suspect it will wear off if this cold takes a tighter hold […]

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I hate all this competition malarky

January 19, 2004

Pitting one blog up against another, making people choose which one's 'best'. It's pathetic. Although I suppose I would say that. I wasn't nominated. If I'd been nominated I'd quite like all this competition malarky. If I won, I'd love it. As it is, I shall take the slightly snotty highground (and not just because […]

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I used to think I was smart…

January 18, 2004

And then I started reading Joho. Is that snot dribbling out of my nose, or my brains melting?

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Sunday already?

January 18, 2004

Most of the weekend's been taken up with the interesting and challenging combination of niece-sitting and DIY. Ever tried hanging wallpaper whilst a three year old is lurking at the bottom of the steps grilling you on what you're doing and why? Anyway, there's now a wall where the stairs used to be, and hopefully […]

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As the story changes in the telling, so it changes the teller

January 16, 2004

When I started my ‘guest blog’ category in November last year with an album review by my Dutch friend Bram, I knew I wanted to carry on the idea. The only problem was, who would I ask next? Stuart Ian Burns, whose blog Feeling Listless has been a firm favourite of mine for quite a […]

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Final Analysis

January 15, 2004

I wonder what happened to Jonathan at Final Analysis? Currently, all I get is 'document contains no data'. That was one of my favourite blogs, that was.

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Yay! First version of second draft is complete!

January 15, 2004

So, SP1 is now officially SP1 Ver 2! It's taken me since my visit to Leeds at the end of November to get this second version written. That's been variously due to a lack of time, inspiration, information and clarity, but in those moments when the muse has been kind the words have flowed onto […]

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Snotty, spotty and feeling grotty

January 15, 2004

Just when I thought I'd finally got rid of the cold I had over Christmas, it's back. I feel like something crawled up my nose and exploded. Sinus burn anyone? Still, plasterboard and new ceilings wait for no woman, so back to making mischief with powertools it is then.

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Rest in Peace, Rossy

January 14, 2004

Our cat Rossy, aka Rosencrantz, just died, aged 12. She was fine this morning, her usual chirpy self, then not long ago she laid down, miaowed a little, and died. Cats have always been a big part of our family. Rossy was one of two sisters we got as kittens. She and Guildenstern both had […]

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