Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Starting as I mean to go on

by Suw on January 2, 2013

Over the Christmas break, I had a couple of quiet days where I could pretend I was a full-time author. Having plotted out the new end of The Queen of the May early in December, and having promised myself that I would finish the second draft before the end of 2012, I spent 31st December writing like crazy. I finished the second draft well within time and it’s now time to get editorial feedback from my trusted readers.

I also managed to draft a short story that I drafted late last year too, provisionally called The Lacemaker. That’s going to sit for a bit and then needs a polish before I publish it here. Historically, I’ve always had a bit of a problem with short stories: they tend not to stay short. This one, however, is a bit over 1,500 words, which is by itself a small miracle. 

Finally, I’ve now sorted out my own webshop to sell Argleton directly to those of you who’d like to buy it directly. You can still download it for free, of course, but if you wanted to contribute a wee bit to the Charman-Anderson coffers, then you can get the mobi, epub and pdf for just 99p. If you’d like to buy the bundle, just click the “Buy Now” link in the sidebar. 

This year, my plans are to: 

  • Finish and publish The Queen of the May
  • Finish and publish The Lacemaker
  • Analyse, tweak and novelise my script, Tag
  • Redraft The Books of Hay
  • Try to think of more short stories to write (not my forte but I’ll give it a shot)
  • Make more books!

Remember, if you want to stay up-to-date with all I’m up to, join my roughly-monthly mailing list

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