Thunder and lightning! Very, very frightening me!

by Suw on September 10, 2005

Actually, more welcome than frightening. Been so muggy that one has very nearly had to wade through the air. And sitting here on the couch with a hot laptop burning my thighs isn't helping, but there's no TV, so I'm watching episodes of Lost instead. (Thank you Tom!)
Been mad busy the last few days. And when I say 'mad', I mean 'absolutely completely utterly squirrely nuts', and when I say 'busy' I mean 'flat out like a hedgehog on the M1'. Too much to do, still, but I am not going to drive myself into the ground doing it all rightthissecond, because there's nothing of a life/death nature in the queue so it can all wait. Tonight I am going to chill out and tomorrow I may go to Kingston and shop for shoes as the ones I have are so old and knackered that they are more disgrace than footware.
Thought I'd let you all know I'm still here though. Glass o' Pinot Grigio, Ep 9 to watch, and a growing (although inexplicable) crush on the little English dude with the piggy nose and cute eyes that plays Charlie.
Oh, one last thing before I go. Note to subconscious: please stop making me dream about kittens. You're frightening me.

Anonymous September 11, 2005 at 8:55 am

Note to Suw: Watch Lord of the Rings and see Charlie dressed up as a cute little hobbit. Your crush will turn into full on lust within seconds 😀 OK, it's not a skirt, but any man that can dress himself up as a 3 foot 6 little creature with short trousers has got to have the same strength of character 😀

Anonymous September 11, 2005 at 9:53 am

There was an impressive thunderstorm on Friday. And it's good to feel the crisp, brisk air upon stepping outside again. Now maybe soon it'll even be cool enough for me to leave my main Linux box turned on without turning my room into a sauna.
Btw, is Lost worth catching up on? I haven't seen it.

Anonymous September 11, 2005 at 3:09 pm

I'm just waiting to see it on a decently-sized TV. 😉

Anonymous September 11, 2005 at 3:10 pm

Oooooh! Yes!! You have to see it! It's fantastic, I love it to bits.

Anonymous September 11, 2005 at 9:39 pm

We now have a giant tv! Get your arse down here for a visit fast, girl 😀

Anonymous September 12, 2005 at 10:23 am

Lost is very literary, isn't it? I thought last night's might have been a tad predictable (on the whole, I'm fascinated by the series), but the way the moth analogy mirrored Charlie's emancipation from addiction was quite beautiful.
Or maybe you just like his piggy nose 😉

Anonymous September 12, 2005 at 10:34 am

Lost is very literary, isn't it? I thought last night's might have been a tad predictable (on the whole, I'm fascinated by the series), but the way the moth analogy mirrored Charlie's emancipation from addiction was quite beautiful.
Or maybe you just like his piggy nose 😉

Anonymous September 12, 2005 at 12:56 pm

Lost is very literary, isn't it? I thought last night's might have been a tad predictable (on the whole, I'm fascinated by the series), but the way the moth analogy mirrored Charlie's emancipation from addiction was quite beautiful.
Or maybe you just like his piggy nose 😉

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