Next level up: A pint of best.
PS. I should make clear, as I posted this in a hurry yesterday and didn't, that I didn't make this image. Someone far smarter than I did, but I have no idea whom.
Terror alert level
Previous post: Steve!
Next post: Missing England
… and that's why the world loves yous.
And that is exactly why I love the Poms
Good job that I stocked up on PG whilst I was in the UK last weekend, then. I wondered why Morrison's had got the “two boxes for 2 quid each” offer on…
To all you pinko tea-loving commies, I say:

People were asking me where I could get hold of a larger version
It is very cool, but I'm afraid that as I am not the perpetrator, just the blogger, I don't have a larger version. Apologies. 🙁
I found those terror alert images interesting and amusing. We've certainly had our fun with terror alerts in the U.S and NYC. Humour is a color thing here and a food thing in UK.
I'd be worried if I saw a Starbucks Ice Tea or Green Tea Frappucino pop up in those UK warnings.
British Culture Shock aside ('not hot' tea is just HarRRable)
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