Dw i'm yn sgwennu yn Gymraeg, felly dw i'm yn meddwl yn Gymraeg, felly dw i'm yn sgwennu yn Gymreag.
Mae gen i lyfr: Pwy Sy'n Cofio Siôn gan Mair Evans. Mae'n dda iawn – dw i'n mwynhau sgwennu Mair – ond dw i'n wedi bod yn trio darllen y peth ers tro. Dw i'n darllen tipyn, ond wedyn dw i'n cael fy sylw'n tynnu gan rhywbeth ac anghofio be' dw i wedi darllen, felly rhaid imi fynd 'nôl i ailddarllen bennod neu dau. Gwaith araf ydy e, ond rhaid imi ddarllen mwy – sai fo'n helpu efo'r sgwennu, mae'n siwr.
I've spent too much time on IRC lately. Since I upgraded my OS and lost use of my second monitor – a loss that hit me hard because I'd only just got used to it – I have found that my IRC habit has increased to unacceptable levels. It's therefore not a surprise that I rank as #1 for words typed and hours active for both #joiito and #suwcharman (thanks to James and Adam for the stats). In #joiito I have typed nearly 160,000 words over the last four months. That's a whole book's worth. Two, even. Six feature film scripts.
Obviously I have verbose stuck on 'on'.
This isn't the first time I have tried to cut back on my IRC usage, but this time I have a new tactic. Just don't open Hydra!
Have you any idea how hard it is not to open Hydra? I mean, I currently live alone, in a village in the arseendofnowhere. Sad or otherwise, my online life is my life. The urge just to pop in and say 'hi!' is almost unbearable. But IRC is interfering with getting work done, so it's got to take a back seat for a while.
I'll be in lunchtimes and evenings only from now on. If you want me, email me, or AIM me.