Leap day celebrations

by Suw on February 29, 2004

So, how did you spend yours? How are you spending yours? An extra day in the year, and a Sunday too. A beautiful day, weatherwise, here. Sunny. Blue skies. A little cloud but not til the afternoon.

An extra day.

A gift.

A treat.

A day to be spent doing things you wouldn't perhaps otherwise have done. A day to spoil yourself. A day to be self-indulgent.

How did I spend mine? I worked. I designed preliminary screens for a website. Sad? Tedious? Hard work? No. No, it was marvellous. To be working again, to be designing again, to be stretching my little neurons til they twang. Fantastic. For someone long without work, such things are indeed a gift.

In fact, the last few days, things have started to look groovily interesting. I'm going to be writing a feature for a new online design mag, and I've been picking up some bits and pieces of design work which will keep me busy for a while. It's great. I feel like things are starting to move again.

Sam Kuntz March 1, 2004 at 1:09 am

Hi Suw,

Today the Colorado Welsh Society had its annual St. David's Day celebration. 65 people joined to celebrate the patron Saint of Wales on a cold snowy day in Denver. We had songs, poetry, stories, and ended with a pot luck supper. The last song was Yma O Hyd.


A visitor March 1, 2004 at 8:29 am

Rock'n' dude!


How absolutely spiffing old bean!

andrew [andrew@andrewbarnett.com.au]

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