To the end

by Suw on February 28, 2004

Listening to all my Blur albums tonight. Hearing things in the songs now that I don't remember noticing before, remembering things I thought I'd forgotten, feeling feelings I haven't felt for years.

Makes me want to get my bass guitar out again, to feel the surge of bass run through me like electricity, making all my hairs stand up on end. Why did I stop playing? What happened? Listening to Parklife, I can't recognise who I am now, it's so different from who I was then.

A visitor February 28, 2004 at 10:20 pm

I bought a Jam greatest hits CD the other day and the opening bars of Going Underground made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, and compelled me to dig out my guitar and do some damage to my left hand's finger tips all over again.

Gary Turner []

Suw February 28, 2004 at 11:01 pm

Funny how that happens, isn't it?

I combated my nasty attack of nostalgia with a bout of Russian folk music – guaranteed to work every time. 😉

A visitor February 29, 2004 at 12:03 am

I find it spooky that you should talk about playing the bass guitar – I took mine out of its case only recently after a long period of neglect.

As for Blur, I kind of liked them back then, but can't really stand them now. I'm also totally puzzled how I could ever have liked Oasis, but there you go. Time passes.

Horst []

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