Sunday, February 22, 2004


by Suw on February 22, 2004

Half the time I don't remember what I've said to whom, what I've blogged, and what is still festering in its own juices in my head. Right now, I'm suffering from the instant gratification of IRC, not really blogging properly, not replying to emails properly. Too much to do. Too little time. Too many cats waking me up at godawful times, intently ferreting round my room like small furry FBI agents. Can't lock them in the lounge – Cleo wails like a foghorn when she's shut in. Have to put up with the ferreting instead. Not enough punctuation. Not enough spare time to think. Too much Polish running through my head. Too many thoughts of San Fransisco. Or maybe Poland. Possibly somewhere else entirely. Must get out. Must leave. Have nowhere to go and no money to get there.

I still have to blog about last week.

Find me in #joiito. I'm nowhere else right now.

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Devour online

by Suw on February 22, 2004

Cthuugle, for all your devouring needs.

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