by Suw on February 4, 2004
Hm. This explains a lot.

From GapingVoid, for all your blogcard needs. Cos you need blogcards. No, you do. Don't look at me like that – you may not know you do, but I promise you, when you have blogcards, your life will be complete.
At least in the 'having blogcards' sense.
by Suw on February 4, 2004
I know that I may possibly, accidentally and quite unintentionally, have befriended a few people on Orkut that I don't actually, in the strictest possible sense of the word and certainly not biblically, know, but really, I'm sure that not all of my friends there are imaginary…

by Suw on February 4, 2004
I've pretty much finished up the CMC housekeeping, which means that the site will be back up and running at some point tomorrow. I've just got to rewrite the index page and proof read dozen or so new pages that I wrote today. It's been a bigger job than I had anticipated, partly down to the fact that the site started off three years ago with only a dozen pages and now it's grown organically to over 200. You don't develop a static html site like that without leaving some mess to be cleared up, and moving hosts really was the best time to do it.
Still, I can't quite believe that it's been three years since I started it. Wow. That's quite gobsmacking.