Tuesday, October 7, 2003

I'm here!

by Suw on October 7, 2003

It's true, I'm here, in New York (or should that be Noo Yawk?). Flight over was fine – hello Simon, Patrik and James! – and although I didn't get my back massage, I did manage to avail myself of the bar facility quite comprehensively.

Checked into our small closet at the Milford Plaza, which has pretty much every facility available, except the ones you actually want, then went for a wander round NY whilst waiting for local time to catch up with my internal bodyclock. We went up the Empire State last night to look at all the pretty lights. And yes, they really are very, very pretty. Lots of photos  taken. But the Empire State is so tatty – I was really disappointed. Tallest building in NY, is it?, and it's in a state of terminal disrepair. Oh dear.

Today was spent trying to convince my body to accept local time, which I something I think I've achieved now. I am sitting in an internet caff on Bleecker Street, having just dined at John's Pizzeria just across the road. Damn fine pizza.

Did the tourist thing this afternoon – took a bus tour around Downtown, getting off at Ground Zero. I”ll write more on that when I get home, but it was very moving. I can't really express how seeing the Pit made me feel, it's too complex a thing. But we went into the World Financial Centre afterwards and sat watching the river for a while. Peaceful serenity. I had no idea that there could be such calm in the centre of such a mad city.

Overall, my impressions are that NY really is a strange hybrid of Gotham and Central Perk. Some buildings are amazing in their architecture, just beautiful. Some are so 'Friends' that you expect Jennifer Anniston to pop out any second.

Getting used to the American ideal of 'service'. As far as I can tell, this means throwing your food at you and then looking surprised if you complain about the fact that it's stone cold.

Anyway, having a bloody good time, thanks. The Eddie Izzard gig is tomorrow night at the City Centre, then we fly back Wednesday night. I think I should be getting back into Heathrow 7.10am Thursday, at which point my internal clock should be, I would have thought, totally screwed.

I came here with reservations about whether I would like a city as large, (and as tall – lots of Manhattan is just like Oxford Street but taller), and as strange as New York. But I'm a convert. I love it here.

Oh, and I've already taken about 70 photos. Expect a really, ludicrously big post when I get back.

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