
All About Palm

May 20, 2005

I've been gnawing at my fingernails recently, desperate to tell you all about my new venture with co-conspirators Ewan Spence, Rafe Blandford, Dave Thomson and Jody Armstrong, but at last, today, I can! All About Palm does exactly what it says on the tin, covers Palm Powered smartphones and PDAs and discusses anything remotely related […]

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Hello? Apple? I am trying to give you money.

May 18, 2005

Apple suck. Macs are great, but Apple suck arse. They suck so hard they blow. Had I known that it would take 20 days to get my new iBook after ordering from their online store, I would have walked to London and got it there. It would have been faster. Hell, for £2 I could […]

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Lack of tracking data

May 17, 2005

Everyone else who orders from Apple seems to be able to track their shipment's precise whereabouts, but the tracking page for my order resolutely refuses to show me any information about 'activity', location, or date/time whatsoever. I've been to the TNT websites, and tried putting in all of the various shipping and tracking codes Apple […]

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D'oh the technology, part the second

May 11, 2005

I've found an app called mo:blog which should allow me to post to my blogs from my Treo. If I'm lucky. UPDATE: It worked! Yay! Pity it won't let me pick categories, but I suppose I can live with that. Not like I'm going to be blogging from my Treo all the time.

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Stop 'processing' my order and send me my damn iBook!

May 11, 2005

So the situation with my PowerBook got critical. Too many lines arriving at too fast a rate and too slow a processor. It's making working difficult now, and it's stopping me doing stuff I need to do. My delightful parents, who are truly wonderful, kind and generous human beings (who don't read this blog, but […]

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D'oh the technology

May 10, 2005

I would have posted this entry from my Treo 600, which I'm writing about for a site that'll be launched soon, but whilst I can enter a title, my Treo doesn't display the main article body text box. Bum. No blogging on the run for me then.

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Nine lines on the screen, tra la-la la-la

May 5, 2005

This is getting ludicrous now. My laptop has nine lines in sets of 4 (blue/green), 1 (yellow) and 4 (various) bisecting the screen top to bottom, leaving me with a narrow patch in the middle in which to work. I have figured out what the problem is – the screen is warped. It fastens fine […]

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Help for a friend

April 30, 2005

My good friend Jeremy lost his laptop this week, after his two year old son poured water in it because it 'looked thirsty'. With it goes his HDD and all the data on it, including the latest chapters of the book he's been writing. Like me, Jeremy is self-employed and relies on his computer for […]

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pt's socks

April 19, 2005

Are the best.

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Squee! Mac OSX Tiger out on 29 April!

April 12, 2005

Just got a press release from Apple to say that the long awaited next version of Mac's OSX, code-named Tiger, is going to be released on April 29. Yay! Here are the bits I'm excited about: Spotlight is Apple’s new lightning fast way for users to find virtually anything stored on their Mac. Much like […]

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Number three is green

February 19, 2005

Third line appeared today, in the middle of the Open Space session this morning. It is green. Day was great – will blog more about it soon.

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The red line of death

January 26, 2005

Just before Christmas I blogged about how my PowerBook, affectionately known as the 'interim solution', had developed a green line on the screen. Having asked around and actually had my qualified Apple engineer friend Gerard take a poke about inside the screen, it was ascertained that the line probably could not be easily fixed. Well, […]

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Remove brain before opening wallet

January 26, 2005

Gullible Americans are spending $299 on a plastic sticker that purports to save petrol and clean exhaust fumes by sending “holographic frequencies into the gas tank and chang[ing] the molecular structure of the gasoline.” Ah, too precious. Cheaper at only $16, but no less full of hogwash, is the Machina Dynamica Golden Sound Intelligent Chip, […]

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Latest news from MacWorld

January 12, 2005

Just to prove that I don't have my head too firmly implanted in my lower intestines when it comes to all things Apple, I found this to be chortlingly funny. And true. (Via Badly Dubbed Boy and Dirty Dio Bach.)

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Finally, a solution for all those PC woes

January 11, 2005

A while back I saw some statistic about how many millions of dollars of time had been spent by geeks troubleshooting relatives' PCs over Thanksgiving. I don't remember how much it was, but it was a lot. If I were a computer-fixing geek, instead of a computer-drooling-over geek, I would by now have spent many […]

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