

February 2, 2006

Why don't computers do stenography? Sitting in the Houses of Parliament today, watching the stenographer effortlessly record every word, verbatim, whilst I hurriedly tried to take notes the hard way made me feel deeply inadequate. Why can't I do some sort of chording on a computer? Why can't it tell that if I hit the […]

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Suing spammers

January 4, 2006

Good to hear that a spammer has been successfully sued here in the UK, via the small claims court. Ben Laurie is going to write a 'How To', and then we can all join in the fun. The sums of money involved are small, with the spammer paying only £270 in damages to Nigel Roberts […]

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iPod socks galore!

December 31, 2005

You might remember a while back that I blogged about my Mum knitting me iPod socks with a little pocket. Well, since then I bought a pair of earphones with a remote control and the whole thing, remote and earbuds, won't fit in the pocket. So Mum knitted me one with two pockets which does […]

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Broadband in South London

October 3, 2005

OK, so we really need to get broadband set up at home so that I can leave the office at a decent time and not sit here all on my ownsome just so I can chat to people on AIM. Any suggestions as to what broadband providers are half-decent? Would ideally like something that didn't […]

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Etech proposals in

September 19, 2005

And before the deadline too. Yay! Also, publisher now preparing contract. Yay! Yay again! (Note: Not out of the woods yet, mind you. It ain't over til the fat lady bogsnorkels.)

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Nasty audio spam

September 16, 2005

I just opened up my email this morning, after someone rang my mobile long enough to wake me (after a *really* bad night's sleep) but not long enough for me to get downstairs and answer (bastards) and was assaulted by two simultaneously playing 'news' reports. Searched through my open apps – nothing should be making […]

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Sock for an iPod mini

September 14, 2005

This iPod mini sock is just soooo cool. Gives me the warm and fuzzies to think that someone's taken Mum's knitting pattern and adapted it for themselves.

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DIY iPod socks

August 26, 2005

A few months ago I asked my Mum to knit me an iPod sock, because I couldn't stand the thought of shelling out over 20 quid for some thin piece of junk from Apple. Whilst she was experimenting, I suggested that she add in a pocket, for the earphones, because there's nothing worse than losing […]

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Bitty Browser

August 18, 2005

Just installed a Bitty Browser in my right-hand sidebar there, picking up all Furled items tagged with 'digital rights'. Scott Matthews showed me Bitty Browser a while back, and I meant to blog it then, but now he's tidied it up a bit and added some extra features and that makes it even more bloggable. […]

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Widgety widgety wah wah

August 5, 2005

Mac Dashboard widgets are way cool. Coolest of all so far is the XFM radio widget, which means I can easily listen to XFM without having to bother with their website. Thank you 'Jute', and the BBC peeps who created the BBC radio widget this is based on, which I also have installed. Wonderful.

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Mighty Mouse… but I'd prefer a hamster

August 5, 2005

I have to admit, I like the look of Apple's new Mighty Mouse: Innovative Scroll Ball and Button Perfectly positioned to roll smoothly under just one finger, Mighty Mouse's Scroll Ball offers full 360-degree scrolling capability — up/down, left/right and diagonally. You can scroll long web pages, pan full-size images, maneuver around large spreadsheets, control […]

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iChat driving me nuts

July 28, 2005

iChat agent keeps crashing, for no discernible reason. Anyone got any ides for a fix? Or what might be causing it? Drives me sodding potty, frankly.

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Paging all Mac gurus

May 29, 2005

I used to run UControl on my PowerBook, which allowed me to both switch my USB mouse to left-handed and remap the Mac's fn-delete (i.e. delete the character to the right of the cursor) to shift-delete. UControl doesn't work in Tiger, and I can't find a way to remap fn-delete to shift-delete. I know I […]

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It came!

May 23, 2005

Ok, so after all my impatient bitching, the iBook came and is wonderful. I love its sleek white lines, the clear bright screen, the speed, the memory, the 80 gig HDD, the general wondrousness of it all. Who needs men when you've got an iBook? One of the first things you do with a new […]

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Ooh! Oh! Ooooooh!

May 21, 2005

I've been checking the iBook's status in Apple's order tracker, not because I had any faith that it would give me any information at all, but because I suffer from a terrible, crippling disease called 'blind optimism'. Thus was I suitably, and squeakily, surprised to discover that my iBook is allegedly now in Southampton and […]

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