
Lunar eclipses, kevlar knickers and who am I?

May 16, 2003

At some point last night, the moon turned a bloody red as the shadow of the earth fell across its face, plunging it eventually into the full darkness of eclipse. I woke at 4am, quite coincidentally after a strange dream about shopping in the rain, and thought I?d get up and have a look. I […]

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And now it's gone…

May 15, 2003

What was that all about? Ad's gone now… this is like poltergeist advertising or maybe they're just fucking with my head for the fun of it. Now you see it. Now you don't? I'm too tired to know. I know on the grand scheme of things working 11 straight days (it'll be 12 tomorrow. A […]

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Where the fuck did that ad come from?

May 15, 2003

I just checked my own blog, cos I have links here I've not bookmarked yet, and suddenly there's this damn ad, right in the middle of my text! I mean, I don't mind ads at the top of the page, where they can be ignored, but this damn ad looks suddenly like it's part of […]

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Downloading mp3s is good for the music industry

May 14, 2003

I love it when I'm proved right. This from the Guardian: A new survey confirms what many of us guessed all along, that those evil music fans stealing pirated music from the web are more, not less, likely to go out and buy CDs. The research, from Nielsen NetRatings, showed that nearly 31 million active […]

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On commenting, Fflwff's claws in my arse and dream blogs

May 14, 2003

I have the option of either finishing off today?s work now and not having to do it in the morning, or procrastinating by reading some blogs and writing my own. Difficult choice. I think you can tell which path I?m taking. I couldn?t resist commenting Joho The Blog?s blog. (Is he like Jones the Coal?) […]

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What if?

May 13, 2003

They dropped two planes on Hounslow tonight. I wonder if any of the three houses I used to live in there were hit. I know Hounslow pretty well and remember only too clearly the howling whine of the jumbos as they?d hurtle right over my house, seeming scarily low some times. You could often smell […]

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And after the colossal squid

May 12, 2003

Continuing the seafood theme, last night I dreamt of giant crabs, three foot across with pincers that could crush bricks. They were scuttling up the lane my parents live on, although no explanation as to what they were doing so far from the sea was forthcoming. At least one of them ended up on the […]

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Oh I forgot…

May 11, 2003

I quite often say 'Oi' to the cat as well.

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Wikis, squids and MSN

May 11, 2003

By the time July comes, I will be long overdue for a holiday. When I woke this morning it felt as if I?d spent most of last night dreaming about wikis. In case you don?t know, a wiki is a web page which is updatable by any member of the public. At their best wikis […]

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Going for a swim in the memepool

May 10, 2003

I?m just taking a break from the typesetting to read some stuff online. Yes, I know it?s Saturday, but time waits for no man, or woman for that matter. I must get my new version of the Get Fluent web site finished this weekend so that it?s ready to go live next week when the […]

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Oh, but before I go…

May 9, 2003

I write my blogs in Word (oh gods, please forgive me my sins). I spellcheck them. I read them over several times. Then I cut and paste and post. Why do I never spot the typos until I've published them to Blog*Spot?

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I give up on deep and meaningful posts

May 9, 2003

I don?t know whether it?s something to do with Mercury being retrograde at the moment. Or maybe the internet?s feng shui is bad – possibly someone put an NT server in the communications corner and screwed it up. Perhaps it?s that I haven?t performed the correct ritual sacrifice of a sweet, innocent virgin cable modem […]

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May 9, 2003

I've added the facility to post comments now. I don't expect to get any, but the option's there if you want it.

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Ahh, Friday afternoons…

May 9, 2003

A Pimms and lemonade in my hand, perfectly complementing the summery blue sky outside… the phutphutphut of narrow boats chugging somnolently up the Kennet… the soft swish of my brain cells as they drain out through my ears whilst I contemplate a weekend spent chained to my darling computer… and the gentle yearning for a […]

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What's going on?

May 8, 2003

I've never been a morning person, so I'd dearly like to know why I keep waking up at 6am and, (and this is the freaky bit) actually getting up. When I first started on this self-unemployment thing about six years ago, you'd be lucky to see me out of bed during the hours of daylight […]

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