
More Matrix stuff…

June 1, 2003

I've been having an ongoing discussion as regards Mr Reeves over on Sweet Addy. There is one faction that believes that Mr Reeves is not quite the talentless jerk that some people would like to paint him as. There is another faction which believes that Mr Reeves is so thick that he coudn't find his […]

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Two headed tortoise

May 31, 2003

In South Africa recently was born a

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Reality bytes

May 30, 2003

Salam Pax has been getting some shit lately, from people who don?t believe he?s real. The rumours are that Salam?s some sort of agent or spy, or maybe not even in Baghdad at all but quietly forging his blog from some comfy pad in Kansas. Then there?s a bevy of other pieces quietly affirming that […]

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Junior Senior

May 29, 2003

Ooh, I like this. Oh yes I do.

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Another good idea

May 29, 2003

According to Web guru Steve Outing has urged online publications to improve their journalistic 'talent' by scouting for bloggers. I think that?s a fine idea, yes! Someone somewhere should pay me large amounts of money to talk shit for a living. I?m expert at it – been doing it all my life for fun, […]

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May 29, 2003

I'm listed on Blogwise now. I've had one click and rank 4153rd. LMAO. I'd make some quip about watching my blog plummet through the ranks, but I'm not sure there's anywhere to plummet to. Anyway, Blogwise is a good idea, I think – there has to be some sort of index of blogs that does […]

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May 29, 2003

Forgot to set the video before I went to bed last night, so missed my interview this morning. I think maybe that was my subconscious kicking in. I'm not sure that I'm not entirely happy not knowing how stupid I sounded.

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Be' tisha gwybod?

May 28, 2003

Weird day today. The interview with Irfon Jones from Radio Cymru was brought forward to today, which meant less time to prepare, but also less time to get nervous. I don?t really do nerves, though, not beforehand. I get kinda calm before something scary. Then I fall apart afterwards. I have to say, Irfon was […]

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Get your Matrix here…

May 27, 2003

I was looking for Matrix stuff on Slsk the other day (although I didn't find anything worth getting), and was quite surprised to see a file of the Matrix Reloaded for download. I didn't really believe that it was actually the Matrix Reloaded though, so I ignored it. Not that I would have downloaded it […]

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DVDs, the Matrix (again) and cachu planciau (that's "shitting planks" in English)

May 27, 2003

I found out today that this ?new? computer of mine can?t play DVDs, and I?m gutted. I was going to treat myself to the Matrix DVD but I?ve had to go for the video instead. I almost never buy videos. In all my adult life, I?ve bought maybe twenty videos. Most of them have been […]

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IOC gets head stuck irreversibly up arse

May 26, 2003

It seems that the International Olympic Committee has finally lost its collective head somewhere in its collective lower intestine, and has decided to ban wild card entries into the Olympics. This means no more Eddie the Eagle, soaring gracelessly through our skies as we all hold our breath, hoping ferverently that he doesn't break anything […]

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Computer Hell or How I Came to Hate My PC Even More Than I Used To

May 26, 2003

I?d become quite used to my computer rebooting itself, without a by-your-leave from me. The monitor would just go black with a faint click, then up would fade the green energy saving logo and the white text of the computer doing its start up thing. It was irritating, sure. Inconvenient, yes. But I?d got used […]

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My computer runs like a three legged dog

May 26, 2003

Well, the last few days have been a particular brand of not fun, due to my computer dying last Thursday, just as I was about to leave the house for the Hot Hot Heat gig. It?s likely to be the video card, motherboard or chip. I?m not sure which, because I can?t afford to get […]

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Green mammals

May 20, 2003

I was complaining today about the lack of green mammals in the world. I mean, green's a common colour, right? Grass is green. Trees are green. Shrubbery is green. So why no green mammals? Surely it'd make great camouflage? Now, I know there's a sloth that has green algae growing on it, but that doesn't […]

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Sleep and The Ice Storm

May 18, 2003

Sleep. That was my mission this weekend. Sleep and the forcible removal of work from the agenda. I think I?ve succeeded on both counts. I?ve spent 21 of the last 48 hours asleep, and fully intend to squeeze in another nine hours before Monday starts back with the tedium. I?ve managed to actually not do […]

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