
Do video games lead to murder, as some newspapers claim, or are newspapers themselves to blame?

August 1, 2004

Vince writes about the assertion by the Daily Mail that the game Manhunt lead a 17 year old boy to murder his schoolmate. He disagrees, and posits instead that if any external influence was involved, it would be more likely to be that of the Daily Mail itself. Start with this post and then read […]

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Preparing for emergencies

July 29, 2004

This rather good post will lead you to this rather good parody of this rather pathetic site by some rather humourless people. Thanks Tim. I would comment further, but I'm rather knackered after a rather long day full of rather hard work and, (yay!) not that much IRC.

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Have some Lamington

July 25, 2004

Lamington: A type of Australian sponge cake – usually pink and frequently served with a cup of tea over which bored housewives will engage in conversations with little or no informational content, but with the metacontent 'Hey! Look! I'm not dead yet! Yay me!'. I learnt to use the word lamington to mean 'meaningless chitchat' […]

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Have the RAB really lost it?

July 20, 2004

I was listening to the rather wonderful XFM today when I was suddenly arrested by the aural equivalent of a wet haddock in the face. The Radio Advertising Bureau do a lot of advertising on XFM for some reason. They have a series of adverts which are amusing the first time you hear them and […]

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There just isn't a word for it

July 19, 2004

Kevin Marks and I have been having an ongoing on-and-off conversation for several months now about the role played by Jeanniecool (and sometimes me) in Joi's IRC channel, #joiito. It's something Kevin has thought about already, once or twice, but neither he nor I can pin it down properly. What Jeannie and I do, Kevin […]

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We wuznt robd, we wuz screwd with our pants on

June 24, 2004

If you didn't just watch the England – Portugal match, this post will make no sense to you. But we wuz screwd. That was a fair goal, seen by the linesman and given by the linesman but denied by the ref. But why? What was wrong with it? Seemed like a perfectly good goal to […]

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Never admit…

June 15, 2004

Never admit to anyone, least of all Joi Ito, that you had a dream that you were a glamour model. Otherwise things like this might happen to you. UPDATE: Some people have too much time on their hands. Google, a copy of Photoshop, boredom. They're a lethal combination. Ik ben de baas, for sure.

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I know Kung Fu

June 13, 2004

Best t-shirt evah!

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Scientific Americans (that's the magazine, not people) for sale

June 1, 2004

Dad's been collecting copies of the Scientific American since May 67. For years they've been read and then carefully stored in the loft, doing nothing but gathering a bit of dust. Most of them are in immaculate condition, and from May 67 to Dec 03, there are only 21 issues missing – mostly because of […]

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September 2, 2003

To everyone I accidentally sent over here after my 'I've moved' email, sorry! You really need to be here instead. Put it down to a long week and a shortness of braincells!!

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Chocolate and Vodka permanently moves

June 3, 2003

I've decided. CnV is off to Blog-City forever. Please update your links, bookmarks, whatever, with my new address: The archives will remain here until, well, until blog*spot kicks me off. 😉

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still can't decide…

June 2, 2003

I don't seem able to fix that Keanu post, which is really bugging me now. Still not sure if I am going to move everything over to Blog-City or stay with Blogger. I guess it depends on whether I can move my archives over or not. I have bigger things to worry about right now, […]

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The Beagle's away, and the Celts are still everywhere, maybe

June 2, 2003

At long last, Mars Express and the Beagle II lander are safely away! Launched today in a Russian Soyuz rocket, it?s sending back telemetry and all systems are functioning normally. We now have only six months to wait before it reaches Mars, when we will find out if the ESA knows the difference between yards […]

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my other blog

June 1, 2003

Until I can fix the godawful mess I've made of this blog, you can read entries at my other blog.

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June 1, 2003

i've killed it.

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