
Wonderful opportunity for corporate sponsorship

April 29, 2005

Not an event. Not a product. But an entire city: Adidas Ababa. Can't go wrong, really.

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I wish my lunch was this long

April 27, 2005

Real 'out of office' reply received today: I will be out of the office starting 27/04/2005 and will not return until 01/01/2010. Wow, that's some holiday. I am way jealous.

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Cat Buckaroo

April 11, 2005

Trying this with Fflwff could result in broken bones, nerve damage and severe blood loss. Mine, not hers. I may give it a shot, though. Note to readers: Never play Cat Buckaroo with any potentially cat damaging objects, such as bricks, television sets or Collected Works of Shakespeare. (Thanks John!)

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And I thought my inbox was overflowing

April 9, 2005

I'm worried Tom's head may a splode in the light of the disturbing amount of unread mail in his inbox: Away Message: Using: Mail – with 27587 unread. 15:38 Away Message: Using: Mail – with 27585 unread. 15:39 Away Message: Using: Mail – with 27584 unread. 15:41 Away Message: Using: Mail – with 27583 unread. […]

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Apparently, I am a car

March 30, 2005

No, really.

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Open letter to Christopher Chope, MP

March 11, 2005

Dear Christopher Chope, I am so disappointed to hear that the 'terror bill' has been passed and will become law. I strongly believe that as soon as we start eroding the rights and civil liberties that we hold so dear, the terrorists have won. Detaining people indefinitely without trial, even a trial in camera, without […]

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Upcoming blog outage

February 24, 2005

Just fyi, CnV won't be available on Thurs 3rd March from 16.00 to 17.00 UTC (11.00 to 12.00 noon EST, 8.00 to 9.00 PST) due to planned maintenance by Blogware.

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Dim ond 63 ar ol! Only 63 left!

February 7, 2005

Sgen i ddim ond 63 o grysau-T Cymraeg ar ôl nawr, felly, os dach chi'n fansio un, nawr yw'r amser i brynu! Mae 'na bump o gynllun efo'r slogans: Mae'r famlong yn dod a dw i wedi pacio yn barod Pa ran o [lol] dwyt ti'n deall? Carwn i aros a sgwrsio, ond yn anffodus […]

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Conform in your browser/OS choice, or be arrested

January 27, 2005

Use a non-standard browser and operating system to donate to the tsunami relief effort and get yourself arrested by the London police. If BoingBoing are right that all this guy was doing was simply donating money using the Lynx browser on a Sun Solaris system, then he can so nail the rozzers for wrongful arrest. […]

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Going Underground

January 12, 2005

An understandable reaction to the state of the London Underground. Not even slightly worksafe. (Via GeoffTech, thanks John.)

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Little known fact

December 5, 2004

The male equivalent of a minx is the possum. Biologists the world over will confirm this to be true.

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November 10, 2004

Oooooh. A bit tmi, but get well soon, Euan.

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I never knew Joi had this much power

October 24, 2004

I mean, I knew he had the ear of some important people, but I didn't realise he was quite so powerful. I bow down in awe, Oh Great One:

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Keeping it in perspective

October 2, 2004

Just in case, like Bush, you have been having difficulty, this overview of the C-Span conference should help. (Thanks Euan.)

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The Tube Challenge

August 5, 2004

Ewan and Tom took part in the Tube Challenge last week. The idea is to pass through every London Underground station in Zone 1 in the fastest possible time, although I suspect that picking one of the hottest days of the year to do it on hampers things somewhat. I had been hoping to be […]

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